Composition of the Board

The board consists of nine members, including a chairman appointed by the president in consultation with the pro-rector and the three vice-rectors. Three members are appointed by the Area Board for Humanities, two members by the Area Board for Natural Sciences, and one professor in higher education pedagogy at Stockholm University. If there are multiple professors in higher education pedagogy at the university, the president appoints the member. Two student representatives from Stockholm University's student union also serve on the board.

Additionally, the head of the hosting institution for the center, the Department of Education (IPD), or their appointee, has the right to attend and express opinions at board meetings. Two representatives from staff organizations also have the right to attend and express opinions. The board may, as needed, invite individuals with the right to attend and express opinions.


CeUL's Board and Contact Information


Clas Hättestrand, Division for Planning and Administrative Support

Members from the Area Board for Humanities

Hans Hayden, Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Katrin Lainpelto, Department of Law
Magnus Nermo, Department of Sociology

Members from the Area Board for Natural Sciences

Joakim Edsjö, Department of Physics
Mattias Mannervik, Department of Molecular Biosciences, Wenner-Gren Institute
Professor in Higher Education Pedagogy:
Max Scheja, IPD

Members from Stockholm University's Student Union

Vacant, regular member
Vacant, substitute
Filippo Schiavo, doctoral student representative

Member with the right to attend and express opinions

Carina Carlhed Ydhag, Department of Education (IPD)

CeUL Representatives

Klara Bolander Laksov, CeUL Director
Ulf Olsson, CeUL Deputy Director

Other Members with the right to attend and express opinions

Jelena Zdravkovic, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences
Anna Chryssafis, Department of Subject Didactics

Representatives from Staff Organizations with the right to attend and express opinions

Petros Gougoulakis, SACO
Anna Nilsson, OFR

IPD serves as the secretariat

Karin Christoffersson, Secretary
Annika Forslund, Communications Officer

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