Stockholm university

Klas RothProfessor

About me


I am a professor of education at the Department of Education, Stockholm University since 2009-09-01. I became an Associate Professor (Docent) 2004-10-25, and an Assistant Professor (PhD) 2001-02-01.

I am currently working on the philosophy by Immanuel Kant and its implications for education. I draw on his work on knowledge, ethics, aesthetics and radical evil.

My interest are philosophy of education, and in particular issues related to democracy and education, citizenship education, cosmopolitanism, knowledge, ethics, aesthetics, and evil.


Selected publications:

  1. Roth, K. & Surprenant, C. W. (Eds.) (2011) Kant and Education: Interpretations and Commentary, Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy.
  2. Roth, K & Gur-Ze’ev, I (Eds.) (2007) Education in the Era of Globalization, Philosophy and Education book series, Dordrecht: Springer.
  3. Roth, K. & Formosa, P. (Eds) ‘Kant on Education and Evil – perfecting human beings with an innate propensity to radical evil’, Educational Philosophy and Theory (forthcoming)
  4. Roth, K. and Rönnström, N. (Ed.) ’Does Swedish teacher education prepare for cosmopolitan citizenship? Prospects and challenges for teacher education in Sweden’, Knowledge Cultures; (in progress)
  5. Roth, K. & Rönnström, N. (Eds.) (2015) ’Prospects and challenges for teacher education in an age of cosmopolitization – the case in Sweden’, Policy Futures in Education, Vol 13, No. 3.
  6. Roth, K. ‘Critical thinking versus moral perfection as the educational aim’, Knowledge Cultures, (forthcoming)
  7. Roth, K. (2015) ‘The Role of Examples, Current Designs and Ideas for a Cosmopolitan Design of Education, Policy Futures in Education, Vol 13 (3): 763-774.
  8. Roth, K. (2014) ‘Making ourselves intelligible – rendering ourselves efficacious and autonomous, without fixed ends’, Journal of Aesthetic Education, Vol. 48, (3).
  9. Roth, K. ‘Unifying ourselves as efficacious, autonomous and creative agents – Kant on moral education as a process without fixed ends, in Paul Smeyers (red.) International handbook of Philosophy of Education, Section 1: Voices from the present and the past, Springer (in print)
  10. Roth, K. (2013) ‘Some Thoughts for a New Critical Language of Education: Truth, Justification and Deliberation’, in Mark Murphy (Ed.) Social Theory and Education Research, vol 4. Sage Publishing.
  11. Roth, K. (2012) ‘Immanuel Kant and Education’, in Denis Phillips (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy, Sage Publications.


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