The prestigious scientific journal “Science Translational Medicine” has just released on line a research that could shake the mechanisms of resolution of inflammation and the treatment of several diseases in which these mechanisms are defective. This research originated from an idea of Dr. Chiurchiù from Santa Lucia Foundation of Rome, who started a collaboration with Prof. Serhan from Harvard Medical School of Boston and Prof. Anders Jacobsson from the Dept. of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute, Stockholm University.

The study found that certain lipid molecules – resolvins - which have been discovered by Prof. Serhan and are naturally synthesized from omega-3 essential fatty acids with the aim of terminating and resolving acute inflammation, may prove effective also in chronic inflammation and in autoimmunity. Indeed, the authors discovered that resolvins can also suppress those pathogenic cells (Th1 and Th17 lymphocytes) responsible for triggering chronic inflammation or autoimmunity and promote the generation of anti-inflammatory and protective cells (regulatory T lymphocytes). The authors also confirmed these results in vivo in a mice genetically defective for the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of the omega-3 fatty acid precursor of resolvins.

This discovery not only further proves the important role of the body’s own production of omega-3 fatty acids as well as the beneficial effects of diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids but also opens a new area of investigation on the potential role of resolvins as biomarkers or pharmacological agents for the diagnosis, prevention or treatment several chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.


Proresolving lipid mediators resolvin D1, resolvin D2, and maresin 1 are critical in modulating T cell responses

Science Translational Medicine  24 Aug 2016: Vol. 8, Issue 353, pp. 353ra111
DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aaf7483



Professor Anders Jacobsson
Professor Anders Jacobsson