Titel: Dr. habil., professor i tyska

Professor of German-language literatures and Cultural Studies


Arbetar som: Professor i tyska med inriktning litteratur- och kulturvetenskap (tjänstledig, nås via mejl elisabeth.herrmann@warwick.ac.uk)

Rum: E530
Telefon: 08-16 3506
E-post: (elisabeth.herrmann@tyska.su.se), elisabeth.herrmann@warwick.ac.uk
Besöksadress: Campus Frescati, Södra huset, hus E, plan 5
Språk: Tyska, engelska, franska, svenska, latin, fornnordiska



Utbildning/Academic Degrees:

Habilitation: Scandinavian Literatures and Cultural Studies, Venia legendi for Scandianvian and German Literatures and Cultural Studies, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 2004

PhD: German Literature, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 1996

Magister Artium: German and Scandinavian Literatures and Cultures, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 1992


Forskningsintressen/Research Areas:

  • German-language literatures from the 18th to the 21st century, with special focus on the age of Goethe and contemporary German literature; unification and post-unification literature; representations of the Holocaust in literature, image, and film; Holocaust pedagogy; the literary reflection of migration in Europe after 1990; intercultural, transcultural, and transnational literature; interdependencies between European literatures; world literatures.
  • History, culture, and philosophy of the German-speaking countries, with special focus on collective identities and cultural memory; postwar and post-Wall cultures, literatures and films; discourses of tolerance and intolerance in German history and literature; processes of cultural interactions and literary transfer; transnational dialogues and world literatures; transmedial and interdisciplinary approaches to culture, literature, and translation; theories of gender studies.
  • Scandinavian literatures and cultures from the 19th to the 21st century, with special emphasis on the epochs of Modern Breakthrough and Modernism; processes of cultural transfer between the Scandinavian countries and Germany; contemporary Scandinavian literature; regional, transnational, and world literatures.


Undervisning/Teaching at Stockholms universitet:

  • Tyska I, litteratur (introduction to modern German literature)
  • Tyska I, realia (introduction to German cultural studies)
  • Tyska II, litteratur (German literature from the 19th to the 20th Century),
  • Tyska II, kulturorientering (academic writing)
  • Tyska, kandidatskurs, litteratur (German literature from the 18th to the 19th Century)
  • Tyska, kandidatkurs, litteratuvetenskapligt uppsatsseminarium, litteratursökning (academic writing for B.A: and M.A. students)
  • Tyska, litteratur temakurs (graduate seminar on German-language literature)
  • Tyska, Magister/Masterkurs, litteratur, litteratuvetenskapligt uppsatsseminarium, litteratursökning (graduate seminars on literature and academic writing)
  • Handledning av doktorander, magister-, master- och kandidatuppsatser (PhD, Magister, MA, B.A. advisor)


Pågående handledning av doktorander/Dissertation Advisor:

Fredrik Renard: “Slumpens roll under den moderna romanens utveckling. Från Goethe till Musil” (The Role of Chance within the Development of the German Novel) (August 2015 - present)



Pågående forskningsprojekt/Current Research Project:

Reconceptualizing World Literature for the 21st Century

Det pågående forskningsprojektet ska resultera i en mongrafi som tillgodoser behovet av en kritisk överblick över de olika föreställningar om världslitteratur som har utvecklats sedan Goethes tid. Målet är att gå bortom en sammanfattning av aktuella koncept, och istället åstadkomma en konstruktiv vetenskaplig dialog inom och mellan den jämförande litteraturvetenskapen samt kultur- och översättningsstudier för att nå fram till en ny definition av termen världslitteratur både ur ett transdisciplinärt och ett transnationellt perspektiv.

This monograph in progress addresses the demand for a critical review of different ideas of world literature that have been developing internationally from Goethe’s time on. The goal is to go beyond a synopsis of current concepts, to incite a constructive scientific dialogue within and between the fields of comparative literary, cultural, and translation studies in order to achieve a new definition of the term world literature from both a transdisciplinary as well as transnational perspective. Literature, as David Damrosch and other theorists of world literature have amply demonstrated, has always been and – in this time of increasing globalization and worldwide mobility and fluctuation – has even more become a moving medium that creates a trans- and cross-national space by itself, circulating around the globe through adoption, intertextuality, and translation while at the same time embodying and reflecting material, communicative, cultural, and literary transfer and mobility. This study in literary theory responds to most recent developments in literature by extending the concept of world literature in the direction of a “literature of movement and dialogue.” World literature, however, does not exist as an entity in itself. It can only be investigated as a phenomenon by focusing on a certain part of the world, that is, by contrasting geographically, culturally, or linguistically demarcated literatures with each other. Drawing on a selection of literary texts originally written in German and translated into several languages, as well as literary texts written in languages other than German but dealing with a historical or contemporary “German topic,” this study develops new tools to define a new kind of literature emerging after the turn of the millennium that creates literary communities that are not located geographically but rather in a multi-vectorial zone (Ette) of overlapping space and time, executing intertextuality in the broadest sense.


Publikationer i urval/Representative Publications:

Herrmann, Elisabeth and Chantal Wright. “Reconceptualizing World Literature: A Platonic Dialogue Between Literary and Translation Studies.” Translation and Translating in German Studies. A Festschrift for Raleigh Whitinger. Eds. John L. Plews and Diana Spokiene. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier Press, 2016. 22-44 (in press).

Herrmann, Elisabeth, Carrie Smith-Prei, and Stuart Taberner. Eds. Transnationalism in Contemporary German-Language Literature. Rochester: Camden House, 2015

Herrmann, Elisabeth. “Norrland’s Regional Literature as World Literature: Per Olov Enquist’s Literary Work.” Norrland-Authors Seen From Abroad. Special Issue of Journal of Northern Studies. Guest editor Annegret Heitmann. Umeå: University of Umeå Press. Vol. 8, Nr. 1 (2014): 145-167.

Herrmann, Elisabeth and Carsten Gansel. Eds. Entwicklungen in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur nach 1989. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013.

Herrmann, Elisabeth. “Das Kind (?) Oskar. Totale Verweigerung und anarchische Aufstörung in Günter Grass'‚ Die Blechtrommel. ” Perturbationen oder das ‘Prinzip Störung’ in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften: Hybridisierung, Grenzräume, Figurationen der Störung. Eds. Carsten Gansel and Norman Ächtler. Berlin, Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. 147-163.

Herrmann, Elisabeth and Florentine Strzelczyk. Guest eds. Embracing the Other: Conceptualizations, Representations, and Social Practices of [In]Tolerance in German Culture and Literature. Special Issue of Seminar. A Journal of Germanic Studies. Volume 48, Number 3, September (2012).

Herrmann, Elisabeth. “Individuelle Erinnerung als kollektive Identitätsstiftung nach dem Ende des Real-Sozialismus in Daniela Dahns Westwärts und nicht vergessen und Jana Hensels Zonenkinder.” Rhetorik der Erinnerung. Gedächtnis und Literatur in den ‘geschlossenen Gesellschaften’ des Real-Sozialismus zwischen 1945 und 1989. Ed. Carsten Gansel. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009. 369-385.

Herrmann, Elisabeth. Das Ich im Dialog mit dem Wir. Die Literarisierung kultureller Migration als kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der eigenen kollektiven Identität in Werken zeitgenössischer schwedischer Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller. Würzburg: Ergon, 2006.

“Nora geht. Nora bleibt. Die Konstruktion und Dekonstruktion von Geschlechtern in Ibsens Puppenheim.” Nora und Hedda Gabler von Henrik Ibsen. GeschlechterSzenen in Stephan Kimmigs Inszenierung am Thalia Theater Hamburg. Reihe: Theater und Universität im Gespräch. Ed. Ortrud Gutjahr. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2005. 53-73

Herrmann, Elisabeth. Die Todesproblematik in Goethes Roman Die Wahlverwandtschaften. Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 1998.


Redaktörskap av tidskrift/Journal Editorship:

TranscUlturAl. A Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies. Eds. Anne Malena and Elisabeth Herrmann  http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/TC



DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Alumni

Alexander von Humboldt Fellow and Feodor-Lynen Mentor

If you are planning on applying for an Alexander von Humboldt research scholarship and would like to become a postdoctoral researcher in German literatures or Cultural Studies at Stockholms universitet feel free to contact me.