Carl le Grand and Jonas Karlsson participated in Samtal om integration och utanförskap (A discussion about integration and alienation) arranged by The Swedish ESF Council where they presented result from LNU-UFB

Lena Nekby participated in a seminar arranged by Institute for Future Studies, Thematic Group on Inclusion in Working Life (TIA) and European Social Fund under the theme Hur vet vi om arbetsmarknadspoltiken verkligen fungerar? (How do we know if the labour market policy actually works?)

Eskil Wadensjö participated in one of the seminars in the Samspråk series, jointly organized by the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research, The Swedish Research Council Formas, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond and The Swedish Research Council, under the theme Jobba till 75 en utmaning för arbetslivet (Work until the age of 75 – a challenge for the labour market)

Eskil Wadensjö participated in a seminar arranged by Gotland University and Network for European Studies about Arbetslöshet, migrationspolitik och nationalism – klarar EU sammanhållningen (Unemployment, migration policy and nationalism – can the EU handle the unity)

Eskil Wadensjö participated in a seminar arranged by FORES about Från utsatt till utmärkt område – är nystartzoner en lösning? (From an exposed to an excellent neighborhood – are Enterprise Zones a solution?)