Compulsory courses in Laboratory Animal Science
Compulsory courses in Laboratory Animal Science via NCLASET (Nordic Consortium for LAS Education and and Training). This course is only for students working with animals and must be approved in advance by the supervisor.
The courses consist of two parts; one theoretical and one practical (except Swedish legislation which is just theoretical). The theoretical part is online and can be done on demand. For the practical part, you need to contact your “Föreståndare” (ask your group leader for the contact).
Swedish legislation & ethics, animal welfare and 3R (cost 300 kr). This course provides basic knowledge about the legislation regarding research with animals in Sweden.
- Laboratory Animal science Function C+D- Rodents (cost 600 kr)
- Laboratory Animal science Function A- Rodents (cost 300 kr)
- Laboratory Animal science- Fish (cost 900 kr)
- Laboratory Animal Science- Fish survey techniques (cost 900 kr)
- Laboratory Animal science- Birds (cost 900 kr)
N.B the cost for the practical parts varies depending on species and facility.
Detailed course description (174 Kb)
The Swedish legislation & ethics, animal welfare and 3R, together with one species specific course is worth 3 credits.
For any questions, please contact
Last updated: September 19, 2023
Source: BioResearch School