Annual report of the Centre for Canadian Studies (2021)

This document is a summary of the activities of the Centre for Canadian Studies for the year 2021. The Centre is administrated by a board of five members who meet three times a year.

Biosphère Montréal.
Foto: Cédric Thévenet (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Evaluation of the Centre

The Centre for Canadian Studies has been evaluated by the University during 2021 and some members were interviewed by the external evaluator. The final report points out the fragility of the structure which only depends on voluntary work from its members. The report underlines the intensive work made around the Nordplus Higher Education project which resulted in a close collaboration with several universities from the Nordic and Baltic countries and the creation of the first summer course on Canadian Studies (“Introduction to Canadian Studies from Nordic and Baltic perspectives, 3 ECTS) at Stockholm University.


Activities of the Centre

The Centre held different activities with the online seminar with the Innu writer Michel Jean (15 April 2021) and with the laureate of the AIEQ prize for Estonia and Sweden, Paul Kawczak (24 May 2021),


International conferences

The Centre also took part in the 21st International Baltic Conference on Canadian Studies (University of Latvia, 8 October 2021). The presentation is available on


Summer course on Canadian Studies

After the first summer course, the Centre proposed a new version of the course “Introduction to Canadian Studies”, 7.5 ECTS". An open access introduction of the course is available on