The Higher seminar in Research on Bilingualism
At the Higher seminar in Research on Bilingualism, current research is presented by the PhD students and researchers as well as invited lecturers. The seminar is open to anyone interested.
Tuesdays at 15.00–16.30 in room D480 or on Zoom.
Calendar fo the Centre for Research on Bilingualism (all events)
Calendar for the Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism (all events)
All seminars and qolloquia at the Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism
José Alemán Bañón
- Visiting address
- D 355
- Universitetsvägen 10 D
Associate Professor (Docent). L2 Acquisition, Bilingualism, Psycho/Neurolinguistics
Last updated: August 11, 2022
Source: Centre for Resarch on Bilingualism