The Multilingualism Laboratory

The Multilingualism Laboratory at the Centre for Research on Bilingualism has available space and equipment for experimental data collection.

The Multilingualism Laboratory has space and equipment for experimental and other data collection through behavioral experiments, electroencephalography (EEG) och event-related potentials (ERP), and eye tracking.

A couple of powerful computers makes possible image and sound editing (Adobe), as well as statistical data treatment and analysis (R, Matlab).

Director of the Multilingualism Laboratory, José Alemán Bañón. Photo: Pia Nordin
Director of the Multilingualism Laboratory, José Alemán Bañón. Photo: Pia Nordin

Data collection can be done simultaneously in four test booths equipped with Cedrus response boxes and headphones.

The lab is equipped with a BioSemi ActiveTwo 32 channel system with active electrodes. Synchronization of stimuli is done via a Cedrus StimTracker. Presentation of visual stimuli via a high-speed monitor (LED, 120 Hz) or a CRT monitor, as well as auditive stimuli presentation via insert earphones from Eytmotic, is supported.

Analysis is conducted using Brain Analyzer from Brain Vision and EEGlab and Fieldtrip in Matlab.

The Eye Tracker is a RED 500 from SensoMotoric Instruments GmbH (Germany).


Access and booking

The Multilingualism Lab is available for researchers, graduate students, as well as undergraduate students, and for large as well as for small projects. Here is how to access the lab.

The lab is accessible for researchers and PhD students at the Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism and at language departments at the Faculty of Humanities that are part of the leading area Bilingualism and Second Languages.

Students at the department (including the Centre for Research on Bilingualism, the Institute for Interpreting and Translation Studies, and the section for Swedish/Scandinavian Languages) can use the lab (with their supervisors) for data collection for theses projects at candidate or master’s level.

At times there is a need for hiring assistants in different projects. Please contact the lab manager to know more, see Kontakt.


Registration and booking

In order to access the Multilingualism Lab, registration and acceptance of the user conditions is necessary. In some cases (e.g., for the use of EEG and Eye Tracker), basic user skills is needed. This can be provided through occasional courses and workshops. Please contact the lab manager for further information, see Kontakt.



Booking of lab space and equipment is done via an electronic calender, which becomes accessible at registration.



Manager of the Multilingualism Laboratory
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