Are you a native speaker of English? Participants needed for a brain imaging study

We are looking for native speakers of English to take part in a research study that examines how the brain processes words in a nonnative language.

Student with EEG cap is writing on a keyboard.
Photo: Eva Dalin

The study involves one visit to the Multilingualism Lab (Stockholm University). In the study, you will read sentences in English while your brain activity is recorded with EEG (Electroencephalography). The EEG procedure is completely safe, non-invasive, and painless. The study has been submitted to Stockholm’s Ethical Board and received clearance (2022-01920-01).



We are looking for

  • native speakers of English (your English proficiency will be pre-screened before the experiment).

You must

  • be right-handed
  • be between 18–45 years old
  • have no history of brain-related diseases or learning disabilities
  • have normal or corrected-to-normal vision (participants can wear contacts)
  • have learned English from birth (and not simultaneously with Swedish or other languages).

Prior to the experiment, participants will be informed of all procedure and screened for criteria which may preclude participation.



Before the experiment, you will complete a short English proficiency test (if you provide your informed consent). This will take 5 minutes. If your proficiency in English is sufficiently high, you will be invited to participate in the EEG study. We will inform you of all precautions taken at the lab to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


How long does the visit to the Multilingualism Lab take?

  1. First, you will read a document informing you of all procedures. If you consent to participating in the study, you will fill out some paperwork (background questionnaires).
  2. The EEG experiment will take about 2 hours, including getting prepared for the EEG recording.
  3. The EEG recording itself takes about 75–90 minutes.
  4. You will then complete four short cognitive tasks, and a short test of English grammar.
  5. The whole visit should last about 3 hours.
  6. You will receive a total of 500 SEK in gift cards for completing the study.

Do you want to participate?

If you want to participate, please send an email to

Please write “English native speaker” in the subject line and provide the following information in your email: name, email address, and availability.



The Multilingualism Lab (Flerspråkighetslaboratoriet)

The Multilingualism Lab
Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism
Universitetsvägen 10D (Södra Huset)
Building D, floor 3, room D349



Dr. José Alemán Bañón (Principal Investigator) and Yulia Kashevarova (Research Assistant),

Centre for Research on Bilingualism, Department of Swedish and Multilingualism

Are you a native speaker of English? (86 Kb)