Pedagogical development smorgasbord with Stockholm trio

Karolinska Institutet, KTH and Stockholm University formed in 2019 the university alliance Stockholm Trio with the aim of developing and highlighting the internationally prominent research and education environment that the three universities form in the Stockholm region.

We work closely with our partner universities within the university alliance Stockholm trio to deliver professional, flexible and relevant qualifications. Our partner units are Teaching and Learning (TL) , the medical educational unit of Karolinska Institutet, and Learning in STEM at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Read more about the university alliance Stockholm trio


Continuation courses in higher education pedagogy

The centres of teaching and learning within Stockholm trio collaborate to strengthen the development of teaching and learning and to support teaching staff.  An agreement has been made regarding continuing courses which enables teaching staff to participate in each other's courses, free of charge and subject to availability.


Resources for university teachers

KI and KTH offer, just like CeUL, teaching staff different kinds of support and resources for educational development. Please explore and use these resources in your professional development.

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