Introduction to Inspera — mandatory for Inspera users

A prerequisite for Inspera users (teachers, administrators, exam proctors) is to take the Inspera self-study course.

The self-study course has been developed in collaboration between the Center for University Teacher Education, the IT Department, the LADOK group, and the university examination services.


You find the course in Athena

The course helps you to get started with the basic functions of the system. Inspera is a complete examination tool and the purpose of the course is to reduce the risk of errors when using it. Therefore, it is a requirement that you have passed the modules in the course which correspond to your role in order to gain access to Inspera's various functions.

There are six different modules in the course. You can choose which modules to complete based on the role(s) you will have in Inspera.

  • Module 1: Digital examination with Inspera, compulsory for all users
  • Module 2: Authors (create content of a digital examination)
  • Module 3: Admin (create an examination)
  • Module 4: Grader (grading digital examination)
  • Module 5: Distance examination or exams not held in central examination halls
  • Module 6: Supervision - Examination services, invigilators (exam proctors)

To start the self-study course: log into Athena, click on "Courses" and search for "Inspera — self-study course".

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