“The variability of chemistry is what makes it such a great subject”

Faiz Haque is a Masters student from Wigan in the United Kingdom. When applying to Stockholm University, Brexit was in full flow and Faiz saw it as an opportunity to attend a school outside of the UK while no limitations were in place.   – I really enjoy studying Analytical Chemistry at Stockholm University. I like how each individual course brings about its own separate challenges, Faiz says. 

Faiz Haque is a Masters student from Wigan in the United Kingdom.

Can you tell me a bit about yourself? 
– I am a 23-year-old Masters student from Wigan in the United Kingdom and have been living in London for the last few years prior to moving to Stockholm. I studied Chemistry at the University of Southampton and moved directly over to Stockholm as soon as I finished my bachelors. When I applied, Brexit was in full flow and I saw this as an opportunity to attend a university outside of the UK while no limitations were in place. My main interest was playing rugby in both my school team and local team alongside my close friends, but I think it may be too cold to play in Sweden! 

Which program did you choose? Why did you choose it?  

– The programme I am currently studying is a Masters in Analytical Chemistry. I chose this because when I studied my bachelors in the UK, I particularly enjoyed the mathematical components and chemical modelling within my studies and chose to do my bachelors thesis on building statistical models to analyze large datasets. When I saw the courses on my current programme, I was certain that it would be both challenging and in line with my particular interests within chemistry. 

What does chemistry mean to you? 

– The beauty of chemistry is that it has such a large variety of components which can peak your interest. Whether that be the synthesis aspect of organic or studying various chemical systems of physical chemistry, there always seems to be something of interest to everyone! I find it fascinating how people can have such vastly different preferences with some preferring the theory aspect while others favour laboratory work, the variability of chemistry is what makes it such a great subject in my opinion. 

What do you think about studying at Stockholm university? 

– So far, I'm really enjoying my studies at Stockholm University! The way programmes are taught are different to how I am used to back in the UK so it took some time adjusting. I'm enjoying how each individual course brings about its own separate challenges. The facilities and machinery here are of a high quality and there is plenty of support available throughout your studies.  

What do you like the most about Stockholm and Sweden?  

– I like how scenic Stockholm is, it's a beautiful city! There is a bit of everything to do here, which is what I like most. There is a city feel to it but in contrast, there is also plenty of nature around as well. I also like how friendly and welcoming everyone in Sweden is, it made the settling in process much easier! I think this was a reason I didn't feel homesick at all since I've been here which has surprised me! 

If someone is considering applying to the program, what would you tell them? 

– Speak to everyone! It may feel isolating being at a new university but most people are in a similar situation. Everyone is so nice and friendly that it is easy to make new friends and experience different cultures. Also, I would say enjoy yourself while you're here as much as possible, if you keep a positive mind then you are much more likely to get the most out of your degree. 



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