Study abroad

The Stockholm University Department of Human Geography is active in student and teacher mobility, organizes field courses abroad, and encourages students to do field studies in other parts of the world.

The Department participates in the European Union Erasmus+ programme. Within this programme the Department have student exchange, and in some cases also teacher exchange, with departments at over 20 universities. There are also a limited number of agreements outside Eramus+, currently with universitiers in Switzerland and in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

In addition to these, there are the university-wide CIVIS Erasmus+ agreements with universities (within the CIVIS alliance of 11 European universities), the Nordlys Erasmus+ network with universities in the Nordic countries and contracts with a number of non-European universities; all managed by Stockholm University International Office.

In collaboration with departments in six other universities the Department of Human Geography organizes two Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes including field courses.


Outgoing – students from Stockholm

Stockholm University students who would like to study abroad are recommended to go to the Swedish web pages on exchange studies abroad at the Department of Human Geography or the pages on the central (university-wide) agreements and networks or contact the international coordinator.

Study abroad at the Department of Human Geography (in Swedish)
Exchange studies at Stockholm University


Incoming – students to Stockholm

Students interested in becoming exchange students at Stockholm University should turn to their home university for information and application. Details on deadlines, nomination, courses, accommodation, orientation days etcetera and links to more information can be found at the pages for incoming exchange students.

Incoming exchange students



Contact the international coordinator at the Department of Human Geography about studying abroad as part of the Department's courses and programmes, especially on exchange studies within the Department's agreements.

International coordinator
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