Previous research

In Rottenbergs thesis a corpus of novels taking place in Tierra del Fuego with the Indians and the British as subjects is examined. It consists of Fuegia (Belgrano Rawson, 1991); El fueguino: Jemmy Button y los suyos (Canclini, 1998); La tierra del fuego (Iparraguirre, 1998); Inglaterra, una fábula (Brizuela, 1999) and El silencio de Darwin (Perednik, 2006). A comparative analysis of the representation of identity, understood as difference (Grimson 2000) and shared experience (Grimson 2003) is performed

Current research

Rottenberg is on the board of the research programme “Narrativas del terror y la desaparición. Dimensiones fantásticas de la memoria colectiva de la última dictadura en Argentina 1976-1983”, financed by the ERC, the European Reaserch Council. Her project is entitled “Memoria y ética en la novela argentina de la postdictadura” and is a study of the relation between ethics and the representation of individual and collective memory in a corpus novels of the dictatorship in Argentina.


World literature