Stefano Fogelberg Rota forskare litteraturvetenskap
Previous research

Queen Christina’s (1626-1689) role as patron and literary character in Italian poetry from the seventeenth century. Christina’s Accademia Reale (1674) in Rome and its development leading to the foundation of the influential Acccademia dell’Arcadia (1690). Christina’s presence in Arcadian poetry in the form of Antique exempla (Diana, Pallas etc.). ). The formation of aristocratic ideals in courtly and academic milieus during the seventeenth century in literary and theatrical spheres.

Current research

Cultural transfer and propaganda in the French libretti from the court ballet performed during the Swedish Great power era (1638-1701) and Swedish travel literature from the Age of Liberty (1719-72). He co-ordinates, together with Andreas Hellerstedt “Shaping heroic virtue, a network for the study of shared Christian and Classical traditions in seventeenth century Europe”, financed by RJ.


Early modern literature, comparative literature