Nordic Korean Studies Days 2022

The "Nordic Korean Studies Days" (NKSD) will be hosted at the University of Copenhagen during the week of 6-12 March, 2022.

The Nordic Korean Studies Days is a co-taught intensive course organized between Korean Studies faculty of Nordic institutions including the universities of Helsinki, Turku, Copenhagen, Stockholm and Oslo. It is generously funded by Nordplus.

This is the third time the Nordic Korean Studies Days will be offered to students. NKSD was first run as a week-long course in 2019. It was subsequently organized as a 12-week online course during spring 2021. NKSD 2022 will be held on site in Copenhagen and to be offered online as well. From Stockholm University two teachers and thirteen students (12 offline and 1 online) will participate.

The program will be announced soon.

NKSD 2021

The 2021 NKSD was hosted by the Centre for East Asian Studies at the University of Turku and organized as a 12-week online course (5 ECTS). The course was held from 8 February till 3 May 2021. From Stockholm University two teachers and five students participated. The course included a great variety of topics such as The Making and Remaking Silla Origins “Making and Remaking Silla Origins”; 'New Women' and Socio-Political Radicalism in Colonial-Age Korea; Single mothers in South Korean literature and film; Foreign characters in North Korean fiction; Socio-cultural movements, moments and monuments in South Korea (1950-1980s); The self-employed in South Korea; Human rights in South and North Korea; South Korea’s global Saemaǔl Undong Programme etc.

Teachers: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Tikhonov (University of Oslo), Prof. Dr. Sonja Häussler (University of Stockholm), Dr. Gabriel Jonsson (University of Stockholm), Dr. Barbara Wall (University of Copenhagen), Dr. Andrew Logie (University of Helsinki), Dr. Antti Leppänen (University of Turku) and Dr. Sabine Burghart (CEAS, University of Turku).

NKSD 2019

The Nordic Korean Studies Days (NKSD) have been launched as a new project in 2019 and designed to share expertise and cooperation among both teaching faculty and students of Nordic universities. In 2019, he Nordic Korean Studies Days were hosted at the University of Copenhagen and held in the form of a 5 day intensive course (11-15 March). Main sponsor was the Korea Foundation. From Stockholm University two teachers and six students participated.

The primary objective of the intensive course was giving students the opportunity to become familiar with the multifaceted spectrum of Korean Studies in Scandinavian countries. The course covered various topics including pseudo historiography and “history wars”, the communist movement in colonial Korea, folklore studies in North Korea, transmedia ghost story telling, inter-Korean relations, South Korea’s foreign aid and family in South Korea.

Teachers: Sonja Häussler (Professor, Stockholm), Vladimir Tikhonov (Professor, Oslo), Gabriel Jonsson (Senior Lecturer, Stockholm), Andrew Logie (Assistant Professor, Helsinki), Barbara Wall (Assistant Professor, Copenhagen), Antti Leppänen (Researcher, Turku), and Sabine Burghart (University Lecturer, Turku).