Information for you who are employed at the Department of Astronomy.
Here you can find documents and other information that is good for you to know who is employed at the Department of Astronomy.
Further information can be found in the institution's collaborative space Confluence
Emergency and crisis
In the event of an emergency, when there is a danger to life, property or the environment, call 112. An emergency is when you quickly need help from the police, ambulance, rescue service or poison information.
In the event of a fire, an alarm is sounded throughout the building. If you hear the alarm, leave the building quickly and move to the meeting point at the roundabout outside Roslagstullsbacken 33. For the best evacuation route, see evacuation plans on each floor near the entrances. Appointed evacuation officers wear light vests marked "evacuation leaders" and have the task of assisting with evacuation. More information about the university's security and crisis management can be found here
Notify all events to
Personnel management
Information for new employees
Here, as a new employee at the Department of Astronomy, you can find information that may be useful to you at the beginning of your employment.
Terms of employment and regulations
The queuing times for a home in Stockholm are very long so it is good to be out as early as possible. You who are not already living in Stockholm should, as soon as the employment is complete, start looking for housing.
For those of you who are about to start a doctoral program, there is the opportunity to rent a student housing from
The university card
The university card is needed to be able to print and copy on our Printomaters. The card is also a library card for physical loans at the library.
Salary - Primula
Primula is Stockholm University's personnel administration system. The system is managed by the Personnel Department.
Here you will find your salary specification, but also, for example, where you apply for leave and report sick leave etc.
Questions and answers about Primula can be found under the FAQ
Web login: Primula
Absence: Holidays, leave, and illness
All applications for leave are made directly in Primula. Under the folder "My page" there are tabs for the respective Holidays, Leave of absence, and Parental leave. There is also a tab to revoke the applied leave if needed. Remember to apply well in advance.
In case of illness / Care of a sick child (vab)
Notification of illness must be made directly in Primula under My page, Illness / recovery.
This routine for sick and healthy reports is for short-term sick leave without a doctor's certificate, ie when you are ill for a maximum of one week. Medical certificate required from the 8th day of illness.
VAB is reported directly in Primula under My page/Parental leave/Care of a child. The medical certificate is required from day 8 and must be submitted to the personnel administrator.
All employees are entitled to certain reimbursement of medicines covered by high-cost protection. See more here
NOTE Social security number must appear on receipts.
Health care and wellness
Occupational health care
As an employee at the university, you can turn to occupational health care for telephone counseling for work-related illnesses and for support calls.
Our occupational health care Avonova
All employees at Stockholm University have the right to health care.
The offer is aimed at all employees and consists of
wellness hour
wellness allowance
group training in the Frescati Hall
training in the staff gym
Domestic and foreign travel expense claim
A travel expense clame must be filled in immediately after the trip has ended, as more than three months old expenses do not need to be taken into account, according to the university's regulations. Allowances and salary supplements older than three months are thus not paid. A travel invoice must be reported and sent electronically in the Primula system with associated scanned receipts, until this is also printed out and submitted in paper form together with original receipts. The responsibility for ensuring that all information registered in the travel invoice is correct rests with you as the traveler and the head of department or the person to whom the head of department has delegated this. Further information can be found here.
In the completely submitted travel expense claim contains:
Printed front from Primula with complete posting. Under the posting button in Primula, you fill in information regarding, institution, unit, project and cost carrier. If you are unsure of what information to fill in, please contact Associated original receipts. If, for example, a receipt should be lost, this must be stated with an explanatory text in paper form (in the travel invoice itself) and this must also nevertheless appear in the message box in Primula. The itinerary (itinerary) from Egencia or equivalent documentation such as the tickets or boarding passes so that you can prove when the trip is completed. The purpose of the trip must be stated in the message box in Primula, and if so, conference programs or the like must also be included in the travel invoice as a basis. An approval from the project manager must also appear in the message box in Primula.
After an expense has arisen, the expense must be registered immediately, as more than three months old expenses do not need to be taken into account, according to the university's regulations. The expense is reported and sent electronically in the Primula system with the associated scanned receipt (s), for which the case must also be printed out and submitted in paper form together with the original receipt (s). The responsibility for ensuring that all information registered in the preparation of the outlay is correct rests with you who made the outlay and the head of department or the person to whom the head of department has delegated this.
A complete submission includes:
A printed front page from Primula with complete posting. Under the posting button in Primula, you fill in information regarding, institution, unit, project and cost carrier. If you are unsure of what information to fill in, please contact
Associated original receipt where each receipt must be reported separately as a separate expense ("new line") in Primula
The purpose of the expense / expenses must be stated in the notification box in Primula
An approval from the project manager must also appear in the message box in Primula.
Tips within Sweden are not reimbursed
Only Swedish VAT must be reported (NOTE! For ERC projects, special accounting principles apply)
Applicable rules for representation and gifts, etc., please see the Rules Book
Expenses - for invited guests
Each employee must primarily check with the head of department or their immediate supervisor (project manager) before a guest is invited to the department. Before the guest's visit, feel free to ask for help from the department's administrative unit so that any travel and accommodation bookings for the guest can be made directly via the administration. During a guest visit, other expenses may also occur, so please keep this in mind;
- Inform the guest to save all original receipts as scanned or lost receipts will not be replaced.
- Inform the guest that the department does not reimburse for food and beverage costs in connection with the trip.
- Inform the guest that no allowance is paid for the trip.
If travel and accommodation bookings are made by the administrative unit at the department, these costs will come directly via invoice to Stockholm University's financial system Raindance and the guest does not need to do anything more. However, if the guest has other expenses that have occurred during the trip and which are to be reimbursed (bus, train, taxi costs), the guest is asked to contact for further help with the reimbursement. The finance officers at the department then help the guest with the entire process regarding payment of the travel allowance. When the travel allowance has been paid in full, the financial officers at the department contact the guest to confirm that the payment has been paid and that the payment is in full order.
When both the travel allowance has been paid in full and when the guest has also provided feedback that the payment is completely in order, both the travel allowance documentation, associated documents and the feedback from the guest must be printed out and saved together, this is done by the department's finance officers.
Stockholm University has an external scanning center where all university invoices are sent. The supplier invoices are sent electronically to the reference number that the supplier has stated on the invoice. In order for the invoices to be paid before the due date, it is important that the invoices are sent to the scanning center directly.
From 1 April 2019, suppliers to Stockholm University will send e-invoices. For more information about E-invoice, please see here
Invoice address for Swedish suppliers
University of Stockholm
190 87 Rosersberg
Ref: 401000
Invoice address for foreign suppliers
Invoices from foreign suppliers are sent directly as a pdf. to Before the foreign supplier invoices are sent to the central scanning center, the financial officers at the department must always check that the supplier is organized and check the supplier's ID.
For more information or for questions about invoice management, contact
External project administration
Application for external funds
The administrative unit at the department assists researchers with the financial part of external project grants. When applying for external grants, the finance officers at the department help with the budget and provide support and advice to the researchers regarding how much money should be applied for for both salary and other direct costs. When applying for external grants, the researchers must contact well in advance of the last application date so that the financial officers can prepare a good budget for the researchers who want to apply for external grants.
Granted external funds
When one or more external grants have been received from a research council or a similar organization, the department's financial officer needs to receive information about the grant that has been granted. The financial officers need complete information about the grant, which is most easily obtained through the contract between the person who received the grant and the Research Council or the similar organization that has granted the grant. After that, a new external project must be set up, so that the person who has received the grant receives a new project number that he or she can start using to debit costs.
Payment of grant funds
Payment of the grant funds is in some cases made by the financier without request, when the contract / agreement is signed. The payments can come as installments or with the full amount at once. Sometimes the financier requires that the grant be requisitioned. In cases where the funds must be requisitioned, the financial officers at the department will do this.
Costs arise as a grant has started to run. All costs incurred regarding a grant must be approved by the person who received the grant. For questions regarding costs that have arisen, the researcher should contact
Reporting of external funds
All grants must be reported back to the respective research council or similar organization. The financial managers at the department make the reports. All financial reports must be reviewed with the person who received the grant before the financial feedback is sent to the Research Council or the similar organization. This also applies to the final financial feedback.
When the grant has been fully re-reported and when the Research Council or the similar organization has approved the final report, the financial officers at the department must terminate the external project.
Procurement and purchasing
Stockholm University is an authority and is therefore subject to the Public Procurement Act (LOU). In practice, this means, among other things, that we may only use procured suppliers for purchases. Procured suppliers can be found in SU's agreement catalog, on and under Purchasing in the Raindance portal.
For more information and guidelines regarding procurement and purchasing at SU, contact the administration or see here.
The Department of Astronomy has a small technical department that works to support teaching and research in daily activities.
Contact takes place mainly by e-mail to
The department purchases and has support on many systems to suit the needs of the research. When the needs match what is offered centrally, we mainly buy these services from the IT department.
The department's local services
- Workstations and laptops, mainly Debian and macOS.
- Computing clusters and servers in computer halls on campus.
- Purchase of computer equipment, mobile phones, licenses etc.
- Storage (home directories, research data and archiving).
- Support and advice via
Local guides and help pages for the institution's computer network (the pages are password protected)
External services
The IT department at SU:
- Email, calendar, directory services, wiki, printer, etc.
- SU Workplace service Centrally administered standard workplace.
- Mobile phone extension (MEX)
Support and advice, external services at SU, Serviceportalen
PDC Center for High Performance Computing at KTH
Institutional Web
Questions concerning the department's website are sent to
Sustainability and environment
At the Department of Astronomy, we work to reduce our environmental impact both locally at the department and AlbaNova, but also towards the university and the surrounding society. Environmental work is governed by the university's environmental policy.
The environmental policy, rules, and other information on environmental and sustainability issues at Stockholm University can be found here.

Personnel coordinator

Finance Administrator

Last updated: May 30, 2024
Source: Institutionsnamn