
The department consists of about 80 employees.The head of the department has the overall responsibility for the activities, and she/he has a management team to assist her/him.

The department employs of about 55 teachers / researchers and postdoctoral fellows, 25 doctoral students and 9 technical / administrative staff.

Head of department: Garrelt Mellema

Deputy Head of department: Jesper Sollerman

Head of administration: Anna Björk

In addition to its teaching activities, the department conducts both theoretical and observational research in astronomy and astrophysics.

The Department of Astronomy is also home to the Institute for Solar Physics a national infrastructure.

Director: Jorrit Leenaarts.


The department board is the department's highest decision-making body.

The department board is led by the head of department (chair) or deputy head of department (vice chair). The members are representatives of the teaching / research staff, technical / administrative staff and by student representatives from both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.


Ordinary members   Deputies
Garrelt Mellema Head of department, chair  
Jesper Sollerman Dep. Head of department, vice chair.  

Markus Janson

Karin Lind

Jaime de la Cruz

Teaching / research staff

Angela Adamo

Göran Östlin

Dan Kiselman

Adriana Todorovic Technical administrative staff Anna Björk

Jenny Frediani

Alex Pedrini

PhD students

Alice Young

Aaron Meissner

Logan Peschieras Student Marta Kokic



The working environment group

The working environment group deals with all issues that affect the work environment in the broadest possible sense, so not only the physical work environment but also, and even more importantly for our department, the psychosocial work environment. This includes issues such as gender equality, discrimination and harassment, information for new employees, etc.

Garrelt Mellema

Head of department, chair

Göran Östlin

Teaching / research staff

Mingjli Jian


Anamaria Gkini

PhD student

Oliver Eggenberger Andersen

PhD student

Giacomo Bortolini

PhD student

Cis Lagae

PhD student

Moa Skan

PhD student

Adriana Todorovic


Bengt Larsson

Safety representative / researcher



Organizationally, the department's researchers are divided into 5 research groups.

The Galaxy group In this area, galaxy formation and galaxy development are studied.

The group for stars, planets and astrobiology In this area, stars and planets are studied, together with the elements and processes that are part of their life cycle.

The supernova group Massive stars end their lives in giant explosions, and the end result is compact  objects which we call neutron stars and black holes.

Computational Astrophysics group This is the research area where complex astrophysical processes are studied through advanced computer models.

Institute of Solar Physics. The Institute of Solar Physics conducts both theoretical and observational research of the Sun.

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