Karin Lind has been awarded Strömer-Ferrnerska belöningen 2023 by the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Karin Lind, Associate Professor at the Department of Astronomy, has been awarded Strömer-Ferrnerska belöningen 2023 by the Royal Academy of Sciences. Strömer-Ferrnerska belöningen is awarded to Swedish citizens who have conducted outstanding scientific work in the fields of mathematics, astronomy, or space science. The motivation for the prize reads: "For world-leading research in stellar spectroscopy to investigate the history of the Milky Way.”

Karin's research focuses on observing and analyzing starlight. By analyzing stellar spectra, we can learn about stars and star populations, as well as planets, galaxies, and how stars contribute to the cosmic enrichment of chemical elements from the Big Bang until the present day.

Royal Academy of Sciences publication