During your studies

Here you will find information about your studies and who to contact.

Find information in iLearn and NEXTiLearn — subscribe and regularly read the forums below to stay updated about your education and to get important information from the student counsellors, the student affairs office and from your teachers:

  • "Important programme news" — In Ilearn. Find your programme forum under "Program" in the head menu. Select your programme. The forum is named "Important programme news". The subscription is automatic for everyone.
  • "Viktig information från institutionen" — in the right hand sidebar on your start page in NEXTiLearn. Subscribe and get study related information from DSV and the university at large.
  • "Utbytes/Exchange" — in the right hand sidebar on your start page in NEXTiLearn. Subscribe and get the latest information about exchange studies. 
  • "Anslagstavla" — our message board, in the right hand sidebar on your start page in NEXTiLearn. Subscribe and get information about job offers, hackathons, events and more.


Correct email address

It is very important that you redirect the student email to your correct email address to receive information from us.
Find instructions for redirection here

Please make sure that your email client approves of emails from Stockholm University (su.se), DSV (dsv.su.se) and iLearn (ilearn.dsv.su.se). And check your spam-box regularly.https://serviceportalen.su.se/en-us/article/600643


New semester

Enrolment for autumn 2024: 15 August to 2 September

Enrolment for 2nd and 3rd semester

Enrol for 2nd and 3rd semester directly in Daisy.
Enrol in Daisy

Prerequisites for second year of studies

Find information about prerequisites to be able to study your second year under "Prerequisites for second year of studies" in the list below.

New student

If you are a new student, please start your enrolment here



Here you will find the course description, dates for the course, information about examinations, literature list, your schedule and more.


Study information

Here you will find information concerning your studies and who you can contact for help.


  • Activation of university account (newly admitted students): August, before enrolment.
  • Enrolment for autumn semester (all students): Two weeks prior to each semester start (second part of August).

November and December

  • Submission of project proposal for master’s thesis: Deadline mid-November.
  • Tuition fee payment for spring semester for tuition fee liable students: mid-December. If we don’t receive your payment in time, you will not be able to enrol in January.

January and February

  • Enrolment for spring semester for all students: Two weeks prior to each semester start (beginning of January).
  • Application for a new master’s programme for prospective students: Deadline mid-January.
  • Application for a degree certificate for graduates: Deadline late February in order to attend the graduation ceremony in May.

During summer

  • Tuition fee payment for autumn semester for tuition fee liable students: June 1. If we don’t receive your payment in time, you will not be able to enrol in August.
  • Application for a degree certificate for graduates: Deadline mid-July in order to attend the graduation ceremony in November.
  • Examination retake (end of 1st year): August, if needed to fulfil requirements for 2nd year of study (45 credits from year 1).

If you want to re-enrol for a course that you have not completed, please contact the study counsellors for master at master@dsv.su.se

It is possible to apply for a transfer of credits if you have already taken a course at another university, in Sweden or abroad, that is the equivalent to a compulsory course within your programme. 

Newly admitted student – send in your inquiry after August 15

Discuss your possible transfer of credits with the study counsellors at DSV. 
Please contact master@dsv.su.se after August 15 in this matter.

Current student

Current students can apply for transfer of credits before August 15. Please contact master@dsv.su.se

Study leave

If you need to interrupt your studies for a period of time, you can apply for study leave at the study counsellor’s office. You will need to fill out an application form and state the reason for your leave and the dates the study leave concerns. Please check the rules for resident permit and accommodation.

Contact the master study counsellors if you want to apply for study leave.

Withdrawal from studies

Withdrawal from studies means that you wish to end your studies and that you don’t intend to continue at a later date. You will be deleted from participant lists, address lists, etc. An entry of withdrawal will be added to the student register (Ladok). The credits that you have acquired during your studies will not be affected. In some cases, it can however be possible to return and finish a course.

Register your withdrawal in Ladok

Contact the student affairs office if you have questions about withdrawal. 

Stockholm University has a goal-related seven-point grading scale. Grades assigned are A, B, C, D, E, Fx and F. Passing grades are from A (the highest grade) to E. Grades Fx and F are failing grades, with the distinction being that of how close the student is to achieving a passing grade. Please note that once you have passed an exam you are not allowed to re-sit the course in order to obtain a higher grade.

Calculating course grades

Course grades are calculated according to a standard formula, as follows:
If the course has only one module which is graded A to F, the final grade on the course is going to be the same as on the graded module. If there are multiple modules with grading A to F, the average of the grades is produced by translating letters into numbers according to A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, E = 0. The average is calculated relative to the number of credits of the various modules. Then 0.34 is added, and the amount you get will be rounded down.

Example: A course has two graded modules of 2.5 credits each. A student gets A on the first module and B on the second module. A = 4 + B = 3 gives 7, 7/2 = 3.5, then 0.34 is added yielding 3.84 which is then rounded down: result 3. Giving a final course grade B.

Example: A course has two graded modules of 5 credits and 2.5 credits. A student gets a C on the 5-credit module and an A on the 2.5 credit module. C = 2 * 5 + A = 4 * 2.5 becomes 20 divided by 7.5 is 2.67. Then 0.34 is added, yielding 3.01 rounded down to 3. The final course grade is B.

In order to start the second year of your master's programme, you must have obtained at least 45 credits in the first year of your programme. If you do not meet these prerequisites, you cannot be enrolled for the second year.

Exemptions from Bachelor's degree

If you got exemption from Bachelor's degree when you started the master's programme, you must have completed the bachelor's studies before you are allowed to start the second year of your master studies.

Data science track on the Master's Programme in Decision analysis and Data science, 120 credits

To be able to select the data science track on the Master's Programme in Decision analysis and Data science, 120 credits, you need to fulfil the requirements above and have at least received the grade C from the course Programming for Data science 7,5 credits.

Information about master thesis


Send questions regarding your thesis and SciPro to thesissupport@dsv.su.se

Master thesis in collaboration with companies or organisations

Do you want to offer a possibility for students to write a master thesis in collaboration with your company or organisation? 
Find more information about writing a thesis in collaboration with companies or orgainsations here

All students at DSV must follow the Rules and regulation for education of Stockholm University

The department has also decided on its own code of honor.
Code of honour at DSV

Here you will find information about previous programs at DSV. These programmes are not available for application any longer. Use this page as reference material if you are a student on any of these specific versions.

Previous programmes

Computer and Systems Sciences 60 credits NO ADMISSION
Decision Support and Risk Analysis 120 credits NO ADMISSION
Decision Support and Risk Analysis 60 credits NO ADMISSION
Information Systems Management 120 credits NO ADMISSION
Master’s Programme in Decision analysis and Data science 120 credits NO ADMISSION
One Year Master’s Programme in Artificial Intelligence 60 credits NO ADMISSION
One year Master’s Programme in IT Project Management 60 credits NO ADMISSION


DSV has developed an AI-policy. It is designed to govern the use of AI tools, such as ChatGPT, Bard, Copilot, and similar tools, for students enrolled at DSV. By employing AI tools, students commit to adhering to the following principles:

DSV's AI-policy



Written examinations at DSV

Most courses end by a written exam. To participate in the exam, you must:

  1. Be enrolled for the course.
  2. Register for the exam in Daisy. Registration (or cancellation, if needed) made no later than registration deadline, usually a week before the day of the exam. 
  3. Bring a valid identification/ID . 
    Following documents are accepted as proof of identity:
    • Valid passport. Temporary passports are not accepted.
    • Valid Swedish national identity card.
    • Valid Swedish driving licence.
    • Valid Swedish sis-marked identity card or identity card issued by a Swedish governmental agency, for example the Swedish Tax Agency.
    • Valid national identity card issued to citizens of EU/EEA countries.
    • Note that foreign driving licences, residence permit cards, post, bank or tax cards are not accepted as proof of identity.

Please contact the examination administration if you hav questions regarding exams: tenta@dsv.su.se

If you are registered for the exam, and it turns out that you cannot participate, it’s very helpful for the office that administrates exams at DSV if you unregister in Daisy. If the registration is closed, and you are not able to unregister, your registration will automatically be deleted after the time of the exam has passed.

Halls and classrooms for exams are visible in your personal view in Daisy and announced no later than one day prior to the exam date. Most of the time classrooms in the Nod Building are used as well as halls on Campus Frescati.
Addresses of examination rooms outside of DSV Nod Building:

  • Laduvikssalen, 6th floor, above the Stockholm University Frescati Library
  • Värtasalen, 6th floor, above the Stockholm University Frescati Library 
  • Brunnsvik Hall, Building A level 5, Stockholm University, Campus Frescati
  • Ugglevikssalen, Building E 5th floor, Stockholm University, Campus Frescati
  • G-salen, Arrheniuslaboratorierna, Svante Arrhenius väg 20C, Stockholm University, Campus Frescati

The department takes cheating very seriously. It will lead to disciplinary measures with suspension from studies for a certain period of time. All use of unauthorized aids, having a mobile phone in your pocket or talking to others during the exam is considered cheating.

Rules for taking a written exam at DSV
Code of honour at DSV
Read more about cheating and plagiarism

Overall exam rules

Exam rules at Stockholm University


Student union DISK

DISK is the student union for the students at The Department of Computer and Systems Science, DSV, at Stockholm University. DISK is run by students for students. If you are involved in the student union, you will get to know students from other programmes and courses and be able to take part in all of DISK’s student activities. 

You will find the DISK reception on floor 2, elevator C

Video “What does the Student Union DISK do?”  
Video presentation of DISK
Video “Tour of DSV’s premises” (in Swedish)
More information about DISK

As a student union, DISK is obligated to ensure that the quality of the courses at DSV follows set standards and rules for Swedish centres of learning. It is monitored by two representatives from DISK via so-called "study monitoring". 

About study monitoring at DISK

For more information, contact studiebevakning@disk.su.se

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