New book about Ocean Bound Women in the 19th century

World Scientific Publishing has published the book Ocean Bound Women. Sisters Sailing Around the World in the 1880s–The Adventures–The Ship–The People, written by Anders Hallengren, Associate Professor of Literature at Stockholm University.

Book cover of Ocean bound Women and letter from the 1880:es
Book cover of Ocean Bound Women and the first page of Maria Söderström's diary

The book presents unique material from a sailor's coffin with hitherto unpublished materials from Swedish seafaring women from the 19th century.

In this book we meet with Maria Söderström, via her diary. This is the first diary from a circumnavigation written by a Scandinavian woman. Maria and her sister Emmy Söderström travelled around the world by boat during the years 1885-88.

More about Anders Hallengren and his research