About us

We offer one of the best environments in Europe for research and higher education in economics. Our researchers, together with researchers at IIES and SOFI, teach on all levels.

The economics departments at Stockholm University – the Department of Economics, the Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES) and the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) are ranked no. 26 in Europe and no. 1 in Sweden (no. 66 in the world) in the Tilburg University list of the top 100 economics departments.

The ranking is based on research contribution 2015-2019

The Department of Economics in numbers:

  • Approx. 35 teachers/researchers
  • Approx. 75 PhD-students at our department, IIES, and SOFI
  • 10 persons within administration, research prjoject, economy, and IT
  • Approx. 1000 students


Economics is one of the oldest subjects at Stockholm University. From 1888, ten years after the inauguration of Stockholm University College, Johan Leffler gave lectures in economics. In 1904, Gustav Cassel was called to the position of professor in economics. He was the third professor at the university, preceded by Viktor Rydberg in cultural history from 1884 and Sonja Kovalevsky in mathematics from 1889. Cassel's background was mathematics and his fields were equilibrium theory and monetary theory. During the 1920's, he was a world-famous economist.

Nycander, Från värde till välfärdsteori, quotation from a newspaper:

A professor whose brain is a rarity,
Expounds the Exchanges with clarity;
Of his doctrine the flower
Is that Purchasing Power
Is the only true basis of parity

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