
Here we have listed addresses and contact information to our faculty and staff.

Visiting address

Department of Economics
Universitetsvägen 10 A
Frescati, Stockholm
Södra huset A, floor 6 and 7

Postal address

Stockholm University
Department of Economics
SE-106 91 Stockholm

Invoice address

Invoices, payments and e-commerce

Organisation number

(Stockholm University)

General enquiries


Press and communication enquiries

Contact the heads of department, any of our researchers, or, for enquiries.

Stockholm University Press office

Press and media


Department management

Head of department
Deputy head of department
Acting head of administration
Director of studies bachelor's and master's level
Director of studies PhD level

Directors of studies

Director of studies bachelor's and master's level
Director of studies PhD level

Academic advisers

Academic advisor and teacher
Academic advisor and teacher

Administrative staff

If you are a student and have questions regarding your courses, please look here:
Education Contact

Course administrator
Financial accountant
Course administrator
Administration and communication
Course administrator
Course administrator
Course administrator and International coordinator
Financial accountant
HR and finance administrator
IT technician

Exchange studies

International coordinator
Erasmus agreement coordinator

Researchers and teachers


Affiliated researchers


Researchers on leave


Professor emeriti


PhD students

Some of our PhD students are with the Institute for International Economic Studies or Swedish Institute for Research. You can find them on the institute websites.


Research assistants

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