Jim Albrecht and Susan Vroman receive honorary doctorates

Earlier this year, Stockholm University appointed economics professors Jim Albrecht and Susan Vroman as honorary doctors. The doctorates will be conferred at the Inauguration and conferment ceremony at the Stockholm City Hall on Friday 29 September.

Jim Albrecht and Susan Vroman are both professors of Economics at Georgetown University, and have worked together with Peter Skogman Thoursie, Stockholm University, for more than ten years. The projects look at gender differences in the labour market.

Follow the ceremony here, live streamed on 29 September at 17.00:

Inauguration of new professors and conferment of doctoral degrees

Read more:

Peter Skogman Thoursie

Ten new Honorary Doctorates at Stockholm University

GU Economics Professors Receive Honorary Degrees


Susan Vroman and Jim Albrecht.
Susan Vroman and Jim Albrecht.