Tomoyo Taniyama from Osaka, Japan

Tomoyo Taniyama from Osaka, Japan. Student at the Master’s Programme in Education with International and Comparative Specialisation.

What I love the most about the program is that our cohort is literally from all over the world. Just casually talking with other students gives me many kinds of impressions. This diversity is definitely one of the unique features of this program.

Masterstudent Tomoyo Taniyama
Tomoyo Taniyama, Photo: Saki Ikeda

Please tell us a bit about your background.

- I am from Osaka, on the west side of Japan. I graduated from Kobe University, Japan. My bachelor degree was in Intercultural Studies where we could conduct any kind of research as long as your interest is somehow related to internationalization. During my undergraduate degree, I studied in Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, in Belgium for a year as an exchange student. Actually, before I studied abroad, I was thinking of focusing on European art history and I did not think of doing a master in the field of Education at that time to be honest, although I had interests in educational policies in different countries. 

Why did you choose the Master’s Programme in Education with International and Comparative Specialisation?

- While in Belgium, I was very surprised at the fact that a lot of people from the Flemish part of Belgium were very fluent in English, which made me very fascinated in how English education is implemented in Belgium. Through conducting the research for my bachelor thesis and comparing the difference between the Flemish part and Walloon part of Belgium within the field of language education, I came to want to study more about comparing educational policies in international perspectives. So I started to search for master programs matching my interest, and I happened to find this program! Considering my interests and my desire to work in an international educational workplace, I thought this program would offer me opportunities to learn more deeply about educational phenomena happening on a global scale as well as at local levels and have wider perspectives of educational fields. 

- I applied for only this master program and I was thinking of working in Japan if I didn't make it, therefore I feel very happy to get this opportunity. 

What do you enjoy most about the programme?

- What I love the most about the program is that our cohort is literally from all over the world. Just casually talking with other students gives me many kinds of impressions. This diversity is definitely one of the unique features of this program, and I do not think I would be able to experience this in other programs. 

- In the program we also have a lot of group works and presentations, and those activities are not only opportunities to develop your discussion skills and team building skills, but also chances to get new perspectives that you have never thought of from others, and encounter different cultural aspects, different points of views. Therefore every group work or discussion gives me fresh ideas. Those tasks also allow us to know each other better, and make us closer with each other.

What advice do you have for students who are thinking about applying for the programme?

- First of all, if you are interested in researching educational fields internationally and comparatively, or if you wanna gain academic knowledge within the field and gain new and different perspectives, this program should be perfect for you!
The program can be challenging as well, but at the same time it is very worthwhile. Of course your research topic can change throughout the program, so it is nicer to be open to new methods or perspectives, rather than narrowing your views too much, but it is also better to have clear ideas of what is your interest, and what you know/do not know in your area of interest. But when writing your motivation letter, make sure to mention clearly about:

  • What you have done in relation to educational field so far
  • What is your interest
  • Why you think this program matches you
  • How you want to connect your study with your future career

- You will enjoy this program and I wish you all the best!

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