Who were the women behind the Declaration of Human Rights?

Global South Women played an important role in shaping global governance and international human rights. In this episode of the podcast Global Horizon you can learn more about this somewhat unknown chapter of the history of the United Nations.

The episode is an interview with Rebecca Adami, associate professor at the Department of Education and Fatima Sator, International Committee of the Red Cross. They discuss how women did not act as a unified bloc in the first chapters of global governance, and that it has been women from the Global South who were the main drivers of feminism in the early stages of the UN.

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The Role of Global South Women in Shaping Global Governance



Rebecca Adami

Rebbecca Adami, associate professor at the Department of Education, Stockholm university, has a special research interest in the history of women in the United Nations. She is editor and co-author of Women and the UN: A New History of Women's International Human Rights (Routledge, 2022) and award winner of the 2022 Bertha Lutz Prize.

Picture of Rebecca Adami



Rebecca Adami

Women and the UN: A New History of Women's International Human Rights (Open access)

Rebecca Adami award winner of the 2022 Bertha Lutz Prize