Insurance and Pension

All employees at Stockholm University are insured, but depending on your form of employment, the insurance can look different. To see what applies to you, go to the following link: Insurance – Medarbetarwebb (Staff page at

In case of work injury or incident

If you suffer an occupational injury or an incident, you must report this yourself in Stockholm University's system for incidents related to work – SAMIR.

Work injury refers to:

injury as a result of an accident or other harmful effect at work,

accidents on the way to or from work, work-related illness, e.g., stress-related illnesses, stress disorders, etc., or infection (for example stays abroad while on work). Incidents refer to an unwanted event that could have led to illness or an accident.

Read more about Personal safety – Medarbetarwebben (

Insurance when traveling in Sweden and abroad

For all working trips, both domestic and international, all employees traveling in Stockholm University's name are covered by the Statens tjänstereseförsäkring.

When you travel abroad, you are insured with Stockholm University via Kammarkollegiet. On your trip, you need a Swedish State Business Travel Insurance Certificate that certifies that you are insured. To get the card, contact the personnel administrator at IGV.

If you travel within the EU, you must also bring a valid EHIC card, European Health Insurance Card. You order this via the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan). EHIC card must be presented if you need to seek care within an EU country.


Information about pension, see: Rules for retirement and employment after retirement – Medarbetarwebben (

SU does not provide pension advice. Instead, the employee is encouraged to examine their pension themselves by contacting the responsible authorities.

Salary change

Salary change means that a deduction is made on the gross salary with an optional amount. If you want a salary change, go to the following link to get more information: Salary change – Medarbetarwebben (

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