IPA Outstanding Service Award 2022

Congratulations to Barbara Wohlfarth, who has been honoured with an IPA Outstanding Service Award (IPA, International Paleolimnology Association) for her contributions to the community.

Photo: Niklas Björlind
Photo: Niklas Björlind

Barbara is commended for her substantive contributions in paleolimnology and paleoclimatology as well as her work towards enhancing diversity in the geosciences. She has been a strong advocate for supporting young researchers in emerging nations, specifically in Southeast Asia, as well as an advocate of increased gender diversity.

Barbara Wohlfarth is professor of Quaternary geology at the Department of geological sciences, Stockholm University. Her research is in Quaternary geology and aims at better understanding the impact of natural climate variability on local and regional scales. Barbara mainly use lake sediments as an archive and employ an array of geochemical, biological and physical methods to extract information on past climates and environments. This knowledge helps to better understand natural climate variability.

Photo: Private
Barbara Wohlfarth and Professor emeritus Jan Lundqvist. Photo: Private


Read more about Barbara Wohlfarth research

Read more about IPA Outstanding Service Award