The stable isotope laboratory objective is to develop new methods for use in geochemistry and running samples for researchers at IGV (Dept. of Geological Sciences). The laboratory facilities at SIL is open for other researchers at Stockholm University (SU), depending on collaborative projects with researchers from IGV. The possibility for running samples and method development at SIL for researchers outside SU is limited.

Laboratory instruments

To check news & book a visit

To join the SIL user mail list, please send an e-mail to:

New prices 2023

Isotope analyses 170 SEK per sample
ICP-OES analyses 140 SEK per sample


SIL instruments

SIL instruments are listed below from 1–6, as in the image above:

•    Analysis
DIC and DOC 13C

•    Sample Preparation

  1. Label the vials
  2. Add 100ul of concentrated phosphoric acid in the vials.
  3. Close the vials with a white cap/septum (the acid should not come in contact with the septum).
  4. Flush the vials with Helium (100ml/min) for 5 minutes. The prepared vials could be used several weeks.
  5. Inject max 5ml sample of water through the septum.

(Note! Samples should be injected into the vial during the sampling in the field (outgassing of CO2!).

The samples should be stored cool between sampling and analysis. Before analysis put the
samples at room temperature overnight.

Please provide samples and a file with sample number and name.

•    Quality control
Carm-2 and CaCO3-merck.

•    Recent Publications
Brüchert, V., L. Bröder, J. E. Sawicka, T. Tesi, S. P. Joye, X. Sun, I. P. Semiletov, and V. A. Samarkin (2018), Carbon mineralization in Laptev and East Siberian sea shelf and slope sediment, Biogeosciences, 15(2), 471.

Rocher-Ros, G., Harms, T.K., Sponseller, R.A., Väisänen, M., Mörth, C.-M. and Giesler, R. (2021), Metabolism overrides photo-oxidation in CO2 dynamics of Arctic permafrost streams. Limnol Oceanogr, 66: S169-S181.


•    Analysis
13C 2H for CH4

•    Low concentration samples require to use Precon.

•    Prior to isotope analysis, the concentration should be known to achieve good results for isotopes.

•    Email Haoyi for training arrangement.

•    Recent Publications

Wik, M., B.F. Thornton, R.K. Varner, C. McCalley and P.M. Crill (2020). Stable methane isotopologues from northern lakes suggest ebullition is dominated by sub-lake scale processes. J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., doi. 10.1029/2019JG005601.

Jansen, J., B.F. Thornton, M.M. Jammet, M. Wik, A. Cortés, T. Friborg, S. MacIntyre and P.M. Crill (2019). Climate‐sensitive controls on large spring emissions of CH4 and CO2from northern lakes. J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., doi: 10.1029/2019JG005094

•    Analysis
13C 18O for carbonate

•    Sample Preparation

Note: Before use clean utensils using ethanol and Kim wipes, allow to dry! Samples should be dried/freeze-dried and homogenized.

  1. Label glass vials (Labco 738W – white cap).
  2. Weigh 0.2mg sample material/standard in the vials (applies to 100% carbonate samples).
    Use a silver capsule and check after each sample the weight!
    Close the vials with caps/septa.
  3. Dry overnight with removable lid at 90 degrees and if foraminifera dry at 50 degrees.
  4. Take out and add in a horizontal position 100µl H3PO4 (≥ 99%) on the wall (acid shouldn't touch the sample).
  5. Close the lid and put the vial in the flush rack still horizontal. Flush the vials with Helium (100ml/min) for 10 minutes.
  6. Place all tubes in the vertical position and allow acid to react at room temperature with the samples overnight.

If the samples are not calcite the temperature and time for the reaction may differ.
Please provide samples and a file with sample number and name.

•    Quality control
Carm-2 and CaCO3-merck.

•    Recent Publications

Skelton, A., Löwhagen, L., Fairchild, I. J., Boyce, A., Mörth, C.-M., Siegmund, H., . . . Spencer, A. M. (2019). Stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in meteoric water during the Cryogenian Period. Precambrian Research, 320, 253-260. doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2018.11.006

Reghellin, D., Dickens, G.R., Coxall, H. and Backman, J., 2019. Understanding bulk sediment stable isotope records in the eastern equatorial Pacific, from seven million years ago to present-day. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35, e2019PA003586.

Coxall, H. K., Huck, C. E., Huber, M., Lear, C. H., Legarda-Lisarri, A., O'Regan, A. M., Sliwinska, K., van de Flierdt, T., de Boer, A. M., Zachos, J., and Backman, J., 2018. Export of nutrient rich Northern Component Water preceded early Oligocene Antarctic glaciation. Nature Geoscience,

Lewerentz, A. and Skelton, A.D.L., 2018. Fluid and carbon flux estimation of regional metamorphic fluid flow in Glen Esk, SE Scottish Highlands: The role of hydrodynamic dispersion for broadening of an isotopic front. American Journal of Science 318, 435–457.


•    Analysis
13C 15N 18O 2H

•    Sample Preparation
Note: Before use clean utensils using ethanol and Kimwipes, allow to dry!
Sediment, soil and organic material
Note: Carbonatic sediments need to be analyzed using two preparation pathways for CNtot and Corg!
Sample Quantities:
Organic materials 1–2mg Sediment 5–40mg

  • CNtot analysis
    Samples should be dried/freeze-dried and homogenized.
    Weigh a quantity of material in tin capsules 5x8mm (1–20mg) or silver capsule 6x6x12mm (more than 20mg), seal and place the samples into a sample tray.
    Use the sample sheet provided, fill in the sample sheet with sample ID and weight.
  • Corg analysis
    Samples should be dried/freeze-dried and homogenized.
    Weigh a quantity of material in silver capsules 6x6x12mm and add a few drops of 2N HCl (should cover all material).
    If reaction occurs, i.e. bubbles are created, dry the sample for 1h at 60 degrees and repeat the addition of acid.
    Dry overnight at 60 degrees.
    Seal the capsule and place them in a sample tray.
    Use the sample sheet provided, fill in the sample ID and weight.

•    GFF filter samples

•    Corg, N analysis
Add the wet filters in a desiccator with conc. HCl overnight.
Dry them in a desiccator with bluegel at 60 degree overnight.
Pack them in silver boats 6x6x12mm and put them in a sample tray.
Use the sample sheet provided, fill in the sample ID and weight.

•    Quality control

•    Publications

T.I. Kahma, A.M.L. Karlson, X. Sun, C.-M. Mörth, C. Humborg, A. Norkko, I.F. Rodil, Macroalgae fuels coastal soft-sediment macrofauna: A triple-isotope approach across spatial scales, Marine Environmental Research,

Salifu, M., Aiglsperger, T., Mörth, C.-M., & Alakangas, L. (2019). Stable sulphur and oxygen isotopes as indicators of sulphide oxidation reaction pathways and historical environmental conditions in a Cu–W–F skarn tailings piles, south-central Sweden. Applied Geochemistry, 110. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.104426

Klawonn, I., S. Bonaglia, M. J. Whitehouse, S. Littmann, D. Tienken, M. M. M. Kuypers, V. Brüchert, and H. Ploug (2019), Untangling hidden nutrient dynamics: rapid ammonium cycling and single-cell ammonium assimilation in marine plankton communities, The ISME Journal, 13(8), 1960–1974, doi:10.1038/s41396-019-0386-z.

Norström, E., Norén, G., Smittenberg, R.H., Massuanganhe, E.A., Ekblom, (2018) A. Leaf wax δD inferring variable Medieval hydroclimate and early initiation of Little Ice Age (LIA) dryness in southern Mozambique. Global and Planetary Change 170, 221–233 DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2018.09.004

Wohlfarth, B., Luoto, T.P., Muschitiello, F., Väliranta, M., Björck, S., Davies, S.M., Kylander, M., Ljung, K., Reimer, P.J., Smittenberg, R.H. (2018)  Climate and environment in southwest Sweden 15.5 – 11.3 cal. ka BP. Boreas 47, 687–710.  DOI: 10.1111/bor.12310

Katrantsiotis, C., Norström, E, Smittenberg, R.H., Finne, M. Weiberg, E., Hättestrand, M., Avramidis, P., Wastegård, S. (2019) Climate changes in the Eastern Mediterranean over the last 5000 years and their links to the high-latitude atmospheric patterns and Asian monsoons. Global and Planetary Change 175, 35–51.

Björck, S., Sjolte, J., Ljung, K., Adolphi, F, Flower, R., Smittenberg, R.H. Kylander,M.E., Stocker, T.F., Holmgren, S., Jiang, H., Muscheler, R., Yamoah A.K.K, Rattray, J.E. Van der Putten, N.A. (2019) South Atlantic island record uncovers shifts in westerlies and hydroclimate during the last glacial. Climates of the Past,

Norström E., West J., Kouli K., Katrantsiotis C., Hättestrand M., Smittenberg R.H. (2021) Evaluation of anhydrosugars as a molecular proxy for paleofire activity: A case study on a Holocene sediment core from Agios Floros, Peloponnese, Greece. Organic Geochemistry 104193. DOI 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2021.104193.

Yamoah, K. A., Chabangborn, A., Chawchai, S., Fritz, S., Löwemark, L., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Reimer, P. J., Smittenberg, R. H. & Wohlfarth, B.: A muted El-Niño-like condition during late-MIS-3. Quaternary Science Reviews, 254, 106782.


•    Analysis
Elements in groundwater, porewater, seawater or extractions in solution can be analyzed. The ICP-OES can analyses most of the elements in the periodic table. Carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen and halogens cannot be determined using this technique.

•    Sample preparation
The range of detection capability of the instrument is from 1 ppb to 100 000 ppb. The detection limit varies for different elements, ideal ranges for analysis are between 10–1000 ppb. Depending on the concentration of elements in your solution and which of these elements you are targeting, you may have to dilute your samples.

In general groundwater, lake and river water do not need to be diluted.
Seawater need a dilution factor of 1000 for analyses of major elements (e.g. Na), and for trace elements 100. It is the high concentration of Na in seawater that has to be diluted to an acceptable level for the instrument so it doesn’t create interference (Na max. 100 000 ppb).

For other types of water, the dilution factor will depend on the concentration of elements in the solution.
The samples also need to be acidified with HNO3 (1–3%). This should be done at the sampling site or directly after sampling. If you dilute the samples, continue to keep the HNO3 concentration at 1–3%.

For performing the analyses, you need to prepare at least 5 ml of sample. We supply you with the tubes for the analyses. The samples should “rest” at least 24 hours between preparation and analysis.

If you want to do elemental analyses:

  1. Contact Elin (, to check if dilution of the samples is necessary, and which elements you are targeting (major or trace elements).
  2. Acidify your samples (HNO3, 1-3%).
  3. Prepare at least 5 ml of sample.
  4. Label the tubes 1, 2, 3 ….. etc. with a permanent marker (no sample name on the tubes). Keep track of label number on tubes and the real sample name (on a file).

•    Quality control
NIST1643f and internal controls

•    Publications
Swärd, H., O’Regan, M., Pearce, C., Stranne, C., Tarras, H., Jakobsson, M., 2018. Sedimentary proxies for Pacific water inflow in a sediment core from the Herald Canyon, western Arctic Ocean. Arktos: 4 (1), 19. doi: 10.1007/s41063-018-0055-x.

Kylander ME, Martínez-Cortizas A, Bindler R, Kaal J, Sjöström J, Hansson SV, Silva Sánchez N, Greenwood SL, Gallagher K, Rydberg J, Mörth CM, Rauch S (2018). Mineral dust as a driver of carbon accumulation in northern latitudes. Scientific Reports 8: 6876. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-25162-9

Skelton, A., Liljedahl-Claesson, L., Wästeby, N., Andrén, M., Stockmann, G., Sturkell, E., Mörth, C.‐M., Stefansson, A., Tollefsen, E., Siegmund, H., Keller, N., Kjartansdóttir, R., Hjartarson, H. and Kockum, I., 2019. Hydrochemical Changes Before and After Earthquakes Based on Long-Term Measurements of Multiple Parameters at Two Sites in Northern Iceland — A Review. Journal of Geophysical Research 124, 2702–2720.


•    Analysis
18O 2H

•    Sample preparation
The samples should be stored in a fridge or cooling room between sampling and analysis.

  1. Fill the vials (1.5 ml or 2 ml) so that there is a small air bubble. Close them (blue screw cap, PTFE/SILICONE/PTFE septum).
  2. Label the vials 1, 2, 3 ….. etc. with a permanent marker (no sample name on the vials). Keep track of label number on vials and the real sample name (on a file).

•    Quality control

The instrument is calibrated to the international scale standard via VSMOW and SLAP. We use a series of in-house reference waters measured against WSMOW and SLAP when we run samples. Standard deviations are ±0.1‰ for δ18O and ±0.6‰ for δD

•    Publications

Skelton, A., Liljedahl-Claesson, L., Wästeby, N., Andrén, M., Stockmann, G., Sturkell, E., Mörth, C.‐M., Stefansson, A., Tollefsen, E., Siegmund, H., Keller, N., Kjartansdóttir, R., Hjartarson, H. and Kockum, I., 2019. Hydrochemical Changes Before and After Earthquakes Based on Long-Term Measurements of Multiple Parameters at Two Sites in Northern Iceland — A Review. Journal of Geophysical Research 124, 2702–2720.

Skelton, A., Löwhagen, L., Fairchild, I.J., Boyce, A., Mörth, C.-M., Siegmund, H., Webster, D. and Spencer, A.M., 2019. Stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in meteoric water during the Cryogenian Period. Precambrian Research 320, 253–260.



Stable Isotope Laboratory

Department of Geological Sciences
Stockholm University
106 91 Stockholm
Svante Arrhenius Väg 8
+46 (0)8 16 47 20


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