Conference: "Towards a Global Diplomatic History (c. 1400–1900)" at the University of Warwick


Start date: Thursday 30 May 2024

Time: 08.00

End date: Friday 31 May 2024

Time: 17.00

Location: University of Warwick, online

The Global Diplomacy Network organizes a two day hybrid coference hosted at the University of Warwick.

What does a truly global history of diplomacy look like? How can we research and write diplomatic history in a way that takes full account of the formative contributions of actors and conceptual traditions from around the world?

The AHRC-funded Global Diplomacy Network seeks to put into conversation and integrate local and regional histories of diplomacy. It aims to establish a connected account of global diplomatic history, one that can replace existing Eurocentric narratives with a new spatial and temporal understanding of the global origins of inter-polity exchange. In this first conference, we invite participants to reflect on the methodological possibilities and challenges of writing global diplomatic history.

Read more on the conference website

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