Frantzeska Papadopoulou is new Affiliated Professor at PMCK

Frantzeska Papadopoulou, a Professor of intellectual property law at Stockholm University, has been appointed Affiliated Professor at the Precision Medicine Center Karolinska (PMCK) – a collaboration between Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institute.

Scale that shows BIOETHICS AND THE LAW
Some of the legal obstacles arising from the application of precision medicine in clinical practice include issues related to data protection and privacy, liability and ethics, as well as patent and other intellectual property rights. Illustration: Lumination/Mostphotos.

In recent years, precision medicine has transformed the landscape of the medical field by offering tailored treatment methods based on individuals' genetic and molecular profiles. This paves the way for more efficient and personalized care, benefiting not only patients but also the economy. Simultaneously, the advancements in this medical technology raise legal questions that require careful regulation and legal considerations.

The Precision Medicine Center Karolinska is a virtual platform dedicated to promoting the development of precision medicine on various levels in the Stockholm region, Sweden, and internationally. On September 15, 2023, Frantzeska Papadopoulou assumed the role of affiliated professor at the center. Her mission is to map the short-term and long-term legal challenges that arise in the implementation of precision medicine in clinical practice, with a specific focus on the interface between academia and healthcare.

Will Be Responsible for a Comprehensive Survey

Professor Frantzeska Papadopoulou.

Professor Papadopoulou will direct her expertise toward intellectual property law issues and the use of medical data, an area she has previously gained experience in through various research projects. Her work will also encompass a comprehensive survey of the legal aspects of precision medicine. This task is not only personally exciting for her but also of significant value to the general public as it can contribute to advancing precision medicine in Sweden and globally.

"The Precision Medicine Center Karolinska represents the future of healthcare and medical research! I genuinely look forward to this assignment and the opportunity to address the legal challenges surrounding such a groundbreaking development in medicine," says Papadopoulou.

Read more the Precision Medicine Center Karolinska
Read more about Professor Frantzeska Papadopoulou

What is a Affiliated Professor?

Affiliation is not a form of employment but rather a collaborative partnership between a professor or researcher and a university or college. To be appointed as an affiliated professor, the individual must hold a professorship at another academic institution.

The aim of affiliation is to connect external experts, including professors and researchers, with a university or college, with the intention of expanding the network of both the institution and the affiliated individual. This is a mutually beneficial partnership designed to promote academic research and knowledge exchange with society at large.