Stockholm University successfully participated in the Vienna Vis Arbitration Moot

The 30th edition of the Vis Arbitration Moot competition took place between 31 March and 6 April 2023 in Vienna.

The Willem C Vis Arbitration Moot is the largest international commercial and arbitration law student competition. More than 2500 students representing 378 teams from 89 jurisdictions participated in the competition, along with 1000+ arbitrators. The Stockholm University team successfully competed in the general against the City University of Hong Kong, Charleston School of Law (USA), University of Freiburg (Germany), and Deakin University (Australia). In preparation for the competition, they participated in several in-person pre-moots in Stockholm, Prague and Munich, and several online practice rounds.

This annual event provides students a unique opportunity to enrich their education, specialising in the legal aspects of international sales of goods and dispute resolution, written and oral advocacy. It is also a unique opportunity to highlight the strength of our Department’s education and research competence.

SULaw's Vis Moot Team 2023. From left to right: Chen Wang, Stefanie Da Silva Alecrim, Victoria Alexander, Mariia Kyrylenko.

We are happy and proud of Chen Wang, Mariia Kyrylenko, Victoria Alexander, Stefani Da Silva Alecrim and Dustin Zozaji’s dedication to advancing and excelling in their education. And congratulations on your claimant’s memo Honorable Mention!

We are especially grateful for the continued generous support of VINGE Advokatybrå, which makes it possible for our teams to participate in the competition.


Learn more about the Willem C Vis Arbitration Moot:

Willem C Vis Arbitration Moot