Stanislas Dehaene: "Symbols and languages: a hypothesis about the singularity of the human brain"


Date: Friday 2 June 2023

Time: 15.00 – 18.00

Location: Nobel Forum, Nobels väg 1, Solna

Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University invite you to a Curt von Euler lecture with Professor Stanislas Dehaene (Collège de France).

Stanislas Dehaene is Professor of Experimental Cognitive Psychology. Photo by Collège de France


"Symbols and languages: a hypothesis about the singularity of the human



Nobel Forum, Solna
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The lecture will be followed by a reception in honour of Stanislas Dehaene.



Sten Grillner, Karolinska Institutet

Björn Lindblom, Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University


The Curt von Euler lecture

Curt von Euler (1918-2021) was a Swedish professor of neurophysiology at Karolinska Institutet and founder of the The Swedish Dyslexia Association. The Curt von Euler lecture is a joint initiative by Karolinska Institutet and the Department of Linguistics at Stockholm University.