Courses and programmes

We offer courses and programmes within three main areas: Linguistics, Language Informatics and Sign Language. On behalf of Karolinska Institutet, we also give courses within the Speech and Language Pathology Programme.

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Courses and programmes

See our courses and programmes taught in English at the bottom of this page.

For all our courses and programmes, please see the page in Swedish:

Våra utbildningar



Linguistics is the scientific study of human language. Linguists study how languages are structured, the similarities and differences between the languages of the world, and how languages develop, change and disappear. The field also studies how people use language to communicate with each other and how children acquire their mother tongue. 

More about Linguistics

Students in computer hall, Språkstudion. Photo by Lena K Johansson
Photo by Lena Katarina Johansson


We have two Master's programmes that are open for international applicants, and we also offer distance courses in second level linguistics for international students. As an international applicant you should know that there are different admission rounds and application periods to consider.

  • First admissions round - All international students are encouraged to apply in the first admissions round of the autumn semester to have the time to pay the tuition fees, apply and receive the residence permit (if required), find housing, etc. The first admissions round for the autumn semester is generally open between middle of October and middle of January. 
  • Second admissions round - The second admissions round is an alternative for students with a citizenship within EU/EEA as they do not need a residence permit. Non-EU/EEA students will not have enough time to obtain their residence permit before the start of the semester if they apply in the second admissions round. The second admissions round for the autumn semester is generally open between middle of March and middle of April.

Information on admission rounds and important dates.

The Master’s Programme offers a comprehensive two-year course of study with a chosen specialisation in one of twenty different areas of inquiry. The programme aims at extending and deepening students’ knowledge within the chosen field of study, while strengthening the interdisciplinary knowledge of theory, research ethics, and research methodologies.

Master's Programme in Language Science (HSPMO)

We organize third-cycle courses and study programmes in linguistics and sign language.

PhD Studies at the Department of Linguistics

Periodically, we offer PhD courses at Stockholm University Brain Imaging Centre, SUBIC.

Autumn 2023

LI001SF: Imaging in neuroscience, 7.5 credits 

LI002SF: Imaging in neuroscience, 1.5 credits



Language Informatics

Language Informatics explores theories, technologies, and methods to analyze, process, understand, and generate human language. In the era of rapid AI advancements, this field is at the forefront of industry and organizational research and development, contributing to the betterment of society as a whole.

More about Language Informatics

Illustration of young woman surrounded by mechanics and digital language symbols
Photo (Montage): AI-genererated image ( icons ( and photo (Pixaby/Tumisu)


With this master’s programme, you will become an expert in developing and using AI to handle linguistic data, both in the form of text and speech, while also becoming aware of the limitations, risks and ethical problems of this technology.

Master's Programme in AI and Language (HSAIO)


Sign Language

We offer courses in Swedish Sign Language for Beginners, Sign Language Linguistics and Swedish as a Second Language for the Deaf. All courses are offered in Swedish Sign Language and Swedish and require documented proficiency in Swedish Sign Language and Swedish. Please see the Swedish page "Våra utbildningar" for more information.

Våra utbildningar

Man and woman signing. Foto: Mostphotos
Foto: Mostphotos


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