
External collaborations both inside and outside academia are a key to success. Read more about our collaborations below.

ARTEMI is the National Research Infrastructure for Advanced Electron Microscopy appointed by the Swedish Research Council (VR) and constitutes a distributed infrastructure involving six partner universities with complementary instrumentation and methodologies.

Link to ARTEMI - Swedish Research Infrastructure for Advanced Electron Microscopy

CEM4MAT is an initiative from the electron microscopy (EM) facilities in the Stockholm-Uppsala region.

This is a regional platform to make the Transmission Electron Microscopy research infrastructure accessible and transparent for external and internal users. The four nodes of CEM4MAT, specialised in Materials Sciences, are Uppsala University, Stockholm University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and SWERIM. 


NordTEMhub, is a Nordic University hub, as defined by NordForsk, within advanced electron microscopy. The aim is to use the well-established environments in the Nordic, intensify our collaboration between nodes, provide access, optimize instrument use, and build Nordic competence in advanced microscopy with particular emphasis on the young generation.


High-quality and accessible infrastructures unlock the skills of researchers and the possibilities of science. Within the CIVIS alliance, there are opportunities for infrastructure sharing.

Link to RIS4CIVIS - Sharing Research Infrastructures

Link to Active European Research Infrastructure Consortia (ERICs)

Swedness is an SSF-sponsored graduate school in neutron scattering. SwedNess is a collaborative effort between six Swedish universities: Uppsala, Chalmers, KTH, Linköping, Lund, and Stockholm, and was launched in early 2017. The SwedNess initiative intends to increase the number of neutron scattering users and strengthen the expertise within this area in Sweden. This is important in light of the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund.

Link to Swedness

The EU Regional Development Fund supports the Stockholm Material Hub, a partnership with the Stockholm Trio - KTH, Karolinska Institutet, and Stockholm University.

Link to Stockholm Material Hub


SUCCeSS is a new center and virtual meeting place for broad interdisciplinary research on circular and sustainable systems, collaboration with industries and policymakers. A way for researchers to meet across subject boundaries and thus be able to work together towards a common goal. 

Stockholms university center for circular and sustainable systems



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