The Department of Media Studies start Master's in Journalism taught in English - Fall 2023!

The Master's Programme in Journalism Studies welcomes applicants who are interested in journalism as a field of research and hold a bachelor’s degree in the fields of social science, humanities or technical subjects.

Foto: Jens Olof Lasthein

The Master’s Program in Journalism Studies approaches the areas in Journalism Studies areas through a perspective of change, focusing in particular on the digitalization and democratic roles of journalism.

The program provides advanced theoretical and methodological knowledge preparatory for independent investigative and research work as well as advanced positions within the fields of journalism and media. The master’s program is also preparatory for doctoral studies.

Write thesis in English or Swedish

Although the program is taught in English, Swedish speaking students can of course take the program, and also write the thesis in Swedish. To write in Swedish can be an advantage if conducting research with mainly Swedish sources and research area.

Not a practical program

Please note that this is an entirely theoretical and research-oriented program, and not a practical journalism program. A practically oriented journalism education is offered within the Swedish-language Bachelor of Arts Journalistprogrammet - kandidatprogram 180 hp.

The education fills a great need; Sweden needs competent analysts and researchers who can contribute knowledge about journalism in a  changing media system / Professor Ester Pollack

More advanced education and research on journalism is needed because its prerequisites are linked to democracy and sustainability / Docent Maria Nilsson


Program overview - 2 years/120 ECTS

Program begins Fall semesters

First semester - 30 credits

The first semester contains four 7,5 credit courses at 50% pace out of which three required program courses: an introduction to and overview of the research field of journalism studies, a specialized course focusing on media economics and editorial structures, and an introduction to methodology in journalism scholarship. An obligatory faculty level course on research ethics and scientific methods also is offered the first semester.

Second semester - 30 credits

The second semester includes two required specialization courses in journalism-studies totaling 15 credits and two optional courses totaling 15 credits - these two optional courses can be first or second cycle courses. This is also the semster for eventual exchange studies.

Third semester - 30 credits

The third semester focuses on research methodology, through two advanced Media- and Communication methods courses where one focuses on research design. The third semester also includes two optional courses totaling 15 credits - these two optional courses can be first or second cycle courses.

Fourth semester - 30 credits

The fourth and final semester is devoted entirely to the degree project, which encompasses an independent scientific work in the form of a master’s thesis.


Unique features in the program

The teachers, the academic opportunities and the study environment.

Journalism research at JMK deals with, among other things, the role of journalism in political communication, how it changes in the light of globalization, and how new digital media platforms change the conditions for how media companies and journalists work. Specific strong areas are also cultural journalism and photo journalism, which several researchers are currently working on.

Some of the teachers you will meet


Professor Christian Christensen

My research has focused on issues related to journalism and politics, whistleblowing, technology and power. My teaching includes classes on populism/nativism, journalism and new media and media theory.

Associate Professor Andreas Widholm

My research is primarily concerned with the democratic roles of journalism, and how the news media can be understood in light of social change. My teaching touches on these issues and I also enjoy teaching methodology.

Associate Professor Maria Nilsson

My research interests include photojournalism, images in editorial processes and ethical issues concerning the visualization of crises in a digital media culture. I currently teach media theory, media history, science writing and qualitative methods.

The education offers students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of research methods and conduct their own studies.

During the methods courses, the students get to translate their theoretical knowledge into practical investigations, and the goal is that we thereby create a common thread throughout the education and provide a good basis for really strong degree projects.

Compared to Frescati, the university's main campus, JMK is a small unit where it is easy to get to know teachers and other students. There is a lot going on at JMK, with regular guest lectures and workshops with Swedish and international lecturers and researchers who visit the department.


What is Journalism Studies?

Journalism studies is a scholarly field encompassing theoretical and empirical research into the power and societal role of journalism, its production processes and structural circumstances, and how journalism is used and interpreted by audiences.


How to apply

Between March 15 to April 15 the application period is open.

From March 15 you can start the application process by uploading required documents to However, start as soon as possible preparing the application to make sure you have all in order by April 15 the latest.

We welcome applicants who hold a bachelor’s degree in the fields of social science, humanities or technical subjects and who are interested in journalism as a field of research.

When to apply:

March 15 the EU/EES round opens for Fall2023.

Applicants outside EU/EES would benefit from applying to Fall 2024 when application period opens for the international round CA October 2023.

Where to submit:

Submit the following required materials via upload at

  1. degree certificate
  2. proof of English proficiency
  3. a letter of intent stating your plans for studies in the program
  4. an extended abstract of your bachelor’s thesis, bachelor’s project or an equivalent thesis you have completed.


Student Counsellor Journalism and Media and Communication Studies

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