Safety information at MISU

The department is working to provide a safe and healthy physical, social, psychosocial and organisational work and study environment.


Contact any of the Work Environment Representatives or persons responsible for the work environment (see below) regarding anything that can be linked to the work environment and safety at the Department. Both physical and mental safety and health is relevant including sexual harassment and bullying. If you want to be totally anonymous please use the SAMIR reporting system, see below.

The Work Environment Representatives at MISU for the period 2020-2022, are:

Jonas Hedin, regular at MISU
phone:08-164346, 072-1474354
room: C629a (inside Atmosfärfysik lab)

Emmy Nilsson, backup at MISU (on parental leave)

Joachim Dillner, backup at MISU
phone: 08-162410
room: C629

The PhD/undergraduate student Work Environment Representative is appointed by the PhD council and is currently:

Ezra Eisbrenner
Room: C622

For more information about the Work Environment Representative and the Work Environment Law, see below.

The persons responsible for the work environment at MISU are:

Sara Engström, Head of Administration
room: C604b

Ingrid Eronn, undergraduate students work environment
room: C604a


Arbetsmiljölagen och Arbetsmiljöombudet

I Arbetsmiljölagen finns regler om skyldigheter för arbetsgivare och andra skyddsansvariga om att förebygga ohälsa och olycksfall i arbetet. Det finns också regler om samverkan mellan arbetsgivare och arbetstagare, till exempel regler om Arbetsmiljöombudens verksamhet. Även om arbetsgivaren har det yttersta ansvaret för arbetsmiljön, är det ett uttalat krav att det organiserade arbetsmiljöarbetet ska bedrivas tillsammans med arbetstagarna och deras representanter.

Arbetsmiljöombud (AMO), tidigare kallat skyddsombud, är en person (eller flera) på en arbetsplats som är utsedda av de anställda att företräda dem i arbetsmiljöfrågor. Arbetsmiljöombud ska verka för en bra arbetsmiljö, bevaka skydd mot ohälsa och olycksfall och att arbetsgivaren uppfyller kraven i arbetsmiljölagen. Huvudsyftet med detta är att säkerställa välbefinnandet för dig och dina kollegor - både på och utanför jobbet. Utöver Arbetsmiljölagen så ger också Arbetstidslagen skyddsombuden vissa befogenheter.

Arbetsmiljöombudet, AMO,…

    …har rätt at få den utbildning som behövs för att fullgöra jobbet som AMO.
    …ska informera arbetsgivaren om det brister i arbetsmiljön och arbetsgivaren måste meddela vilka åtgärder som ska vidtas.
    …ska kontakta Arbetsmiljöverket om arbetsgivaren inte åtgärdar de brister som påpekats. Där kan AMO få hjälp att eventuellt stoppa arbetet.
    …kan stoppa arbetet direkt om det händer en allvarlig olycka eller incident och därefter ringa till Arbetsmiljöverket.
    …ska se till att arbetsgivaren kontrollerar arbetsmiljön (t.ex. genom den årliga skyddsronden).
    …skall delta i planering av nya eller ändrade lokaler, anordningar, arbetsprocesser, arbetsmetoder och av arbetsorganisationen samt vid planering och användning av ämnen som kan medföra ohälsa och olycksfall.
    …får inte hindras att fullgöra sina uppgifter.
    …kan hjälpa till med ergonomiska frågor.


The Work Environment Act and the Work Enviroment Representative

The Work Environment Act (non-official translation provided by the Government Offices of Sweden) contains rules on obligations for employers and other safety/security officers to prevent ill health and accidents at work. There are also rules on cooperation between employers and employees, for example rules on the activities of the Work Environment Representatives. Even if the employer is ultimately responsible for the work environment, it is an explicit requirement that the organized work environment should be conducted together with the employees and their representatives.

The Work Environment Representative (WER), previously Safety Officer, is a person (or several) at a workplace who is appointed by the employees to represent them in work environment matters. The duty of the Work Environment Representative is to work for a good work environment, monitor protection against ill health and accidents and that the employer meets the requirements of the Work Environment Act. The main purpose of this is to ensure the wellbeing of you and your colleagues - both at work and outside of work. In addition to the Work Environment Act, the Working Hours Act (non-official translation provided by the Government Offices of Sweden) also gives the Work Environment Representative some warrant.

The Work Environment Representative, WER,…

    …has the right to receive the relevant education/training needed to fulfill its tasks as a WER.
    …has the right to take part of documents relating to conditions in the working environment.
    …has to inform the employer if something is wrong and the employer then needs to take action.
    …should contact the Swedish Work Environment Authority (Arbetsmiljöverket) if the employer does not take action on the shortcomings identified. From them, the WER can receive help to stop the working process.
    …can stop the work immediately if a serious accident or incident happens and then call the Work Environment Authority.
    …must ensure that the employer controls the work environment (e.g. through the yearly safety inspection).
    …participate in the planning of new or altered premises, equipment, work processes, work methods and organization of work and the planning and use of substances that can cause illness and accidents.
    …may not be prevented from fulfilling their tasks.
    …can assist with ergonomic issues.

SAMIR (~”Security-Work environment-Environment-Reporting”) is a support system for reporting crimes and safety deviations or deficiencies, work-related incidents/injuries and illness, and environmental deviations or deficiencies. The reports can be filed anonymously, and you can even file a police report.

SAMIR – Report a safety deviation/deficiency
SAMIR – Report to the Police
SAMIR – Report a work-related incident, illness or injury
SAMIR – Report an environmental deviation/deficiency

You will get an answer by e-mail, and you can log in and follow the handling of your report. Ask a Work Environment Representative for help if needed (some of the forms are only in Swedish).

Work-related injuries and incidents

With a work-related injury we mean:

  •     injury due to an accident or other harmful events during work,
  •     accidents on the way to or from work,
  •     work-related illness, e.g. stress-related illness, illness due to heavy physical work etc.,
  •     infection (during e.g. work-related travel abroad).

With an incident we mean an unwanted event that could have led to illness or an injury.

An employee who suffers an injury or incident at work must report this to the Head of Administration or Head of Department (to be able to benefit from occupational injury insurance). A report must also be made by the employee in the SAMIR support system. Please ask the Safety/Work environment Officer for help if needed. The Head of Department is responsible for making sure that injury- and incident reports are made according to these routines. A student who suffers an injury or incident shall notify their teacher or the Work Environment Representative. The teacher or the Work Environment Representative is then responsible for reporting this according to the routines. It is important to report incidents (that did not lead to an injury) so that we can make our workplace safer for everyone.

To report to SAMIR

  •     Click the following link: SAMIR - Report a work-related incident, illness or injury and log in.
  •     Complete the form ”Anmälan av tillbud eller arbetsskada/sjukdom” (only available in Swedish, ask e.g. the Work Environment Representative for help if needed) and click “Skapa ärende” at the bottom to send it.
  •     You will get a confirmation and answer by e-mail, and you can log in and follow the handling of your report on the website.

Arbetsskador och tillbud

Med arbetsskada avses:

  •     skada till följd av olycksfall eller annan skadlig inverkan i arbetet,
  •     olycksfall på väg till eller ifrån arbetet,
  •     arbetssjukdom, t.ex. stressrelaterade sjukdomar, belastningssjukdomar etc.,
  •     smitta (vid t.ex. utlandsvistelser i tjänsten).

Med tillbud avses en oönskad händelse som kunnat leda till ohälsa eller olycksfall.

Anställd som drabbas av en arbetsskada eller ett tillbud ska själv anmäla detta till sin prefekt/administrativa chef. Anmälan ska också göras via SAMIR-systemet. Fråga arbetsmiljöombudet om hjälp vid behov. Prefekten är ansvarig för att arbetsskade- och tillbudsrapportering sker enligt dessa rutiner. Student som drabbas av en arbetsskada eller ett tillbud ska själv anmäla detta till sin lärare eller till skydds-/arbetsmiljöombud på institutionen. Berörd lärare eller skydds-/arbetsmiljöombud svarar för att arbetsskade- och tillbudsrapportering sker enligt dessa rutiner. Det är viktigt att rapportera tillbud (som inte ledde till en skada) för att förbättra säkerheten för alla på vår arbetsplats.

För att rapportera i SAMIR

•    klicka på länken: SAMIR - Rapportera en arbetsrelaterad sjukdom, skada eller tillbud och logga in.
•    Fyll i formuläret ”Anmälan av tillbud eller arbetsskada/sjukdom” (fråga tex arbetsmiljöombudet om hjälp vid behov) och klicka på “Skapa ärende” längst ner för att skicka in den
•    Du kommer att få en konfirmation och svar via mail och du kan logga in och följa rapporthanteringen på websidan.


Everyone working/studying at MISU has their own access card; for the safety of your workplace do not let any unauthorized persons in. If someone without access card want to enter the department, ask who he/she is meeting and follow him/her to that person, or tell him/her to use the intercom system.

If criminal activity is discovered, regarding e.g. thefts, break-ins, disruptive or unauthorised individuals:

  •     Call SU Security,
  •     office hours: 08-16 2216                                   
  •     24-hours: 08-16 4200 (ask to speak to the University security staff),
  •     In immediate danger call 112,
  •     SAMIR (Säkerhet-Arbetsmiljö-Miljö-InRapportering, see above): Report deviations or deficiencies in physical safety or make a police report. Ask the Work Environment Representative for help if needed,
  •     Anonymous security notifications: Through the SAMIR-system or voice mail (08-16 1155), you can anonymously report crimes such as threats, harassments, assault, vandalism, theft, fraud, financial irregularities etc, or security flaws that could result in crimes further on.

Located in the corridor on the wall outside the staff kitchen and contain:

  •     fire blankets,
  •     gas-masks,
  •     eye wash bottle,
  •     first aid kits,
  •     painkillers (different kinds).

Simpler first aid kits can also be found on the wall outside the toilets at the reception and in the AP- (Atmosfärfysik, C629) and CM- (Atmosfärkemi, C659) labs. In the labs are also emergency showers and eye washing stations.
Radiation safetyAnyone who is going to work with radioactive material, please contact either Joachim Dillner or Emmy Nilsson (contact information provided above) for more information.

In case of fire or other danger

  •     RESCUE injured persons or persons in immediate danger,
  •     WARN others affected by the danger,
  •     ALERT the rescue services 112 and/or SU Security Guard (office hours: 08-16 2216     
  •     24-hours: 08-16 4200) answer the operator’s questions (alert while evacuating),
  •     EVACUATE, close doors behind you to limit the risk area, take the closest emergency escape route and regroup at the designated area (do not use an elevator!),
  •     EXTINGUISH the fire if assumed possible (but do not put yourself at risk!).

Evacuation plans are posted in the corridor on the walls:

  •     outside seminar room C609, Rossbysalen
  •     outside the staff lunch room,
  •     in the northern end of the corridor, and
  •     on floor 5 opposite room C502a.

Emergency escape routes. In case of fire/evacuation alarm, use one of the emergency exits (use the one closest to you, and do not use an elevator). The emergency exits are situated:

  •     at the northern end of the corridor,
  •     at the southern end of the corridor,
  •     in the middle of the corridor, opposite the staff lunch room,
  •     on 5th floor under the staircase, and
  •     in the Ekman room (C502c) on 5th floor.

Regroup at the assembly point. After evacuating the building, head for the assemble area (by the grove across the lawn outside the entrance of the Arrhenius lab) and wait for further instructions.

Fire extinguishers. There are a number of fire extinguishers (foam and CO2) in the corridor and labs, as well as in the student lunch room (C625), Bjerknessalen (C651) and on the 5th floor under the staircase. They are all marked by signs on the wall above them. There are also water hose reels but they are primarily to be used by the fire fighters when they arrive.

NB! Boxes or other materials must NOT be stored in the corridor.

Stay updated

By the first aid kit and medicine cabinet outside the staff kitchen there is an announcement board with the MISU Crisis Plan, Alert list, and list of persons at MISU that have received the SU fire safety/extinguishing training and Heart and Lung Rescue/Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (HLR/CPR) training (information in both Swedish and English).

The University together with Stockholm Fire Authority gives fire safety training courses for employees 2 times per year. The Work Environment Representative will send out information about when the course is given and how to register. It is recommended that all employees undergo this training.

It is also recommended that all employees should undergo a Heart and Lung Rescue/ Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (HLR/CPR) training. The University gives training courses several times per year, contact the Work Environment Representative for more information.

FIRE Safety trained staff at MISU

Kristofer Döös   
Room C668    Phone 08-16 1734

Emmy Nilsson    (on parental leave)
Room C654b  Phone 08-16 4103    Mobile phone 076-27 08 008

Linda Megner      
Room C650    Phone 08-16 2534    Mobile phone 073-56 94 275

Frida Bender        
Room C644    Phone 08-16 4333   

Jonas Hedin        
Room C629a   Phone 08-16 4346    Mobile phone 072-14 74 354

Michael Tjernström    
Room C628     Phone 08-16 3110    Mobile phone 070-20 56 631

Gunilla Svensson    
Room C610     Phone 08-16 4337    Mobile phone 070-25 55 471

CPR/HLR trained staff at MISU

Linda Megner      
Room C650   Phone 08-16 2534    Mobile phone 073-569 4275

Frida Bender      
Room C644   Phone 08-16 4333

Michael Tjernström    
Room C628   Phone 08-16 3110   Mobile phone 070-205 6631

Gunilla Svensson  
Room C610   Phone 08-16 4337   Mobile phone 070-255 5471

The head of operations at each respective department/unit shall ensure that there is an organisation in place which clearly states who does what in the event of a serious incident. Each institution/unit must draw up some form of action/crisis plan for handling various crisis situations that may occur.

The crisis plan should contain telephone lists, step-by-step instructions, who to contact in the event of various incidents and more. MISU's crisis plan is organized according to a checklist established by the Rector on Dec. 18, 2014. It is of great importance that all staff know the crisis plan and who to contact in the event of a crisis.

More information about the crisis management plan at Stockholm University can be found at:

Printed versions of the MISU Crisis plan in Swedish and English can also be found on the announcement board in the corridor outside the staff kitchen.

A CRISIS can be:

  •     FIRE
  •     DEATH
  •     ACCIDENT
  •     Revealed cheating, dishonesty, falsehood (locally/centrally)
  •     Power / data / telecom / water outage, contagion, blizzard etc


For contact details see the “EMERGENCY LIST” below

  •     Call 112 in case of FIRE, INJURY, THREAT etc. that requires immediate help. Send someone to meet up with the emergency help outside and guide them to MISU.
  •     Call SU Security Guard (office hours 08-16 2216, outside office hours 08-16 4200) in cases of THREAT, ALARM issues (when help through 112 is not required)
  •     Contact MISU Crisis Group in the order listed on the “EMERGENCY LIST” below (if possible)

MISU Crisis Group:    

For contact details see the “EMERGENCY LIST” below

  •     Work Environment Representative (who is responsible to summon the rest of the group)
  •     Head of Administration (responsible for Working Environment)
  •     Head of Department

In case of fire or other danger

  •     RESCUE injured persons; WARN others in the risk area.
  •     EVACUATE, close doors behind you to limit the risk area.
  •     ALERT 112 and/or SU Security Guard as well as MISU Crisis Group.
  •     EXTINGUISH fire if possible without risk to yourself and others. MISU Crisis Group will handle the situation going forward and will call other staff when needed (such as group leaders, researchers etc.)

In case a TELECOM and/or POWER OUTAGE prevents you from contacting
112 or SU Security Guard and MISU Crisis Group:

  •         STOP!
  •         Stop
  •         Think
  •         Orient yourself
  •         Plan


  •     Start solving problems
  •     Make decisions
  •     Get help from nearby people
  •     Send someone to SU Security Unit to notify them and get help and information
  •     Form a temporary Crisis Group


MISU Crisis Group:    

Jonas Hedin, Work Env. Repr.      
08-16 4346 / 072-14 74 354        
Room C629a                  

Joachim Dillner, Work Env. Repr. 
08-16 2410
Central Workshop and Room C629        

Sara Engström, Head of Admin.
08-16 4353 / 0721-474 36
Room C604b                    

Rodrigo Caballero, Head of Dept.     
08-16 4349 / 0734-604 873         
Room C666                   

SU Security Guard:   

During office hours: 08-16 2216
Outside office hours: 08-16 4200
Manne Siegbahn Bldg, Frescativägen 22C, basement

SU Security Unit:    

Thomas Hårberg     
08-16 1025 / 0703-162 551

Jan Ekström            
08-16 3545 / 0703-413 572
Universitetesvägen 10F, Södra Husen, House F, floor 6

Call 112 for:        

  • Emergencies requiring immediate help
  • Fire, ambulance and/or police services

Your call will be answered by an operator at one of the SOS Alarm Centers - note that it may take some time. The SOS operator will dispatch the correct emergency service while talking to you, so stay on the line.

The SOS operator will want to know:

  • WHAT has happened?
  • WHERE did it happen? (MISU address: Svante Arrhenius väg 16C, floor 6)
  • HOW MANY persons are injured, what type of injuries do they have?
  • What PHONE NUMBER are you calling from?
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