FAQ – Frequently asked questions about admissions

Here we list some of the most common questions and answers regarding admissions for master's programmes.

Do I need to write a unique motivation letter for each intended program?

Yes, you have to write at the top which program the letter is directed to.

What should I include in my motivational letter/statement of purpose?

Suggestions on what to include:

  • Shortly about yourself and why do you want to study this program
  • If possible describe future goals why choosing the program
  • Describe how your study background has given you the knowledge and tools to manage the program, give examples.

Why do I need to include a CV? Do I need to include a unique CV for each intended program? 

A CV is a complement to your motivation letter. It can be of help for the selection committee to see when, where and what you have studied and maybe worked before. One CV is fine even if you apply for several programmes that requires a CV.

Can I apply if I am studying the final year of my Bachelor’s studies?

Yes. If you do not hold the required degree but are registered for the last year of a programme leading to such a degree, Stockholm University permits conditional admission if you can provide:

Transcripts from your second last year, and an official document stating that you are likely to be awarded the degree by the start of the Swedish programme. This must be sent in with your application. The document has to be issued through and certified by a representative of the Academic Registrar's Office, the Examinations Office or equivalent of the institution. Certification from other staff members, such as faculty or college staff members, will not be accepted.

What language should I write my application in?

In English.

If I get accepted to my first choice, are my other choices removed?

Yes, it is only possible to be accepted to one programme.

Can I be accepted for the second choice if I become a reserve for the first choice?

Yes. An example: If you become a reserve for the master's program you applied for in first hand (prio 1) but get admitted to your second hand choice (prio 2), then all programmes you applied for as prio 3 and below will be deleted. Admission to prio 2 will be transferred to Ladok (the student documentation system) and the reserve place on prio 1 still remains. If you are offered a place on prio 1 through a reserve call then you will be accepted to two programs and have to say no to one of them.

Can the programmes I apply to ‘see’ my other applications for other programmes?

Yes, in the admissions system we can see all applications for educations in Sweden and all documents that are uploaded.

Where do I find important dates for the application process?

At universityadmissions.se (In Swedish, antaging.se). Look for "Key dates" and for "Master's Second admission round".

Kindly advise on how to give a summary of the grading system of my university. I want to know about what kind of things to be included in the brief summary of the grading system (if other than ECTS)?

ECTS is the European Credit Transfer and Accreditation system, it allows different universities to align and compare different grading systems. 60 ECTS corresponds to a full academic year, full time studies. The ECTS credit system has also been linked to a translation scale for grades, in order to be able to compare and evaluate grades given in different countries. This has seven grades; A to F and Fx. A to E means pass while F correspond to fail. You can check with your home university if their system is compatible, and if not then you/they need to provide a description of how to scale your grades to ECTS. Say for example that your courses are graded from 0 to 20, with 20 being the maximum grade: if you score 14, what does that correspond to in ECTS grades? At some universities, this corresponds to a C, at others a B. In some diploma supplements the grading system is explained but if not please try to explain the grading system.

Does it matter if I apply through the English or Swedish website?

Universityadmission.se is for international students.

Can I find more general information regarding admission anywhere?

Yes, at the main website of Stockholm University regarding How to apply and Admissions FAQ.



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