The Committee for Research Strategy

The Committee for research strategy will continuously monitor the direction and quality of the research carried out by the Physics Department.


About the Committee (KFS)

The minutes for committees are often written in Swedish and available for all employees at the Department of Physics via login.

Minutes for Committees at The Department of Physics

  • Continuously monitor the direction and quality of the research carried out by the Physics Department.
  • To make strategic assessments of the Department's future needs for resources in teaching and in the various research areas.
  • To act as a preparatory body for the FS in matters relating to calls for teaching and research recruitment.
  • Preparing requests for the purchase of expensive equipment after preparation by the Technical Department Committee.

1 Head of Department, Chairman
1 deputy head of department, vice-chair
7 one representative from each research department
2 student representatives, postgraduate level
1 student representative, basic/advanced level


12 members

Adjunct: the President of the College.

Alternates may be appointed for research departments and students.


Regular member



Jan Conrad  

Deputy chairman

Per-Erik Tegnér  

Atomic physics

Henning Schmidt Svante Jonsell


Bo Sundborg Ariel Goobar

Elementary particle physics

Sara Strandberg Klas Hultqvist

Instrumentation physics

Samuel Silverstein Anders Hedqvist

Chemical physics

Wolf Geppert Richard Thomas

Condensed matter and quantum optics

Emil J. Bergholtz Eddy Ardonne

Medical radiation physics

Iuliana Toma-Dasu Emely Kjellsson Lindblom

PhD student representatives

Alessandro Montella Ludwig Neste
  Christopher Ekman Maddalena Bin

Undergraduate student representative

Vacant Vacant





Representative of the Faculty

Chad Finley  


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