Half-time review or licentiate degree

It is mandatory to pass a half-time review, approximately half-way towards the PhD degree. This can be either through the dedicated half-time review procedure, or by fulfilling the requirements for a licentiate degree.

The half-time review should be concluded at the latest after 25 full-time months of studies. Should you opt for the licentiate degree this should be approved no later than after 30 full-time months.

The decision as to wether opt for the licentiate degree or the alternative procedure is made in agreement by the student and the supervisor. In case no agreement is reached the student, supervisor and subject responsible/ director of studies, meet to discuss the situation. After the meeting the subject responsible/director of studies makes the decision. The student has the right to request that the halftime review is made by obtaining a licentiate degree.

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half-time review
licentiate degree

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