Magnus Axelsson prize

Magnus was one of our most valued colleagues. His main commitment was to undergraduate education both at the Department and the Faculty. Already as a PhD student, Magnus worked as a Student Advisor. After his PhD, he substituted as Director of Studies at the Department of Astronomy. At Fysikum, he worked as a Student Advisor from 2012 and in 2019 he then became our Education Coordinator.

Magnus Axelsson Magnus Axelsson
Lärare undervisar två studenter
Teacher educating two students. Foto: Jens Olof Lasthein

The Magnus Axelsson Prize is awarded annually to a student or a PhD student who presents an innovative idea for educational development within a course/programme at the Department of Physics (Fysikum) and/or the Department of Astronomy, or within outreach. As a prize, Fysikum and/or the Department of Astronomy will finance the prize winner to work on integrating the idea into Fysikum's and/or the Department of Astronomy's activities. The work is financed with a maximum of three weeks of paid full-time work for a student or with the equivalent of three weeks of extended employment for a PhD student.

In the spirit of Magnus Axelsson, the project should aim to develop and/or improve, for example, teaching elements within a course or program, to increase throughput and/or improve student recruitment. Projects that span both Physics and the Department of Astronomy are particularly encouraged.

The project proposal must cover approximately one A4 page and should cover background, purpose, materials and methods as well as expected results and significance for the educational activities. Consultation with teaching staff on the relevant course/program is encouraged.

The application should be sent to no later than March 31.

  • Ludvig Doeser - for including the popular outreach activity Fysikshow in the bachelor's programmes
  • Filippo Schiavo - new learning methods in the course Radiation Sources with Medical Applications
  • Ivelin Georgiev - Outreach event that combine clasical music and astronmy lectures
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