One of our new ambassadors for social media - David Stuhrmann

Our previous students have found new challenges and now David Stuhrmann is one of the new ambassadors for Fysikum's social media. He has participated in a collaboration between SU and UCL in London. David presents himself so you can get to know him better.

David Stuhrmann

"This fall I am starting in my second year in the Master's program in Computational Physics at SU. I did my Bachelor's in Physics in Hannover in Germany, where I am originally from. The first year was already wonderful and for the upcoming semester I want to show you more of the cool physics and math from my courses as well as some insights of how it is to live in Stockholm as a foreigner."


A combination between math, computer science and physics

"I chose the specialization Computational Physics because of the possibility to take courses in numerical math and computer science in addition to physics. Since I also wanted to study abroad the program at SU was perfect for me and I was very happy that I got accepted."


What is your vision for being an ambassador for our social media?

My hope as an ambassador is to inspire you students that studying abroad is an amazing experience, which you can do too.


More information

Master Programme in Computational Physics