One of our new ambassadors for social media - Wilma Svedlund

As our former students have moved on to new challenges, we are introducing one of the new ambassadors for Physics' social media. Wilma Svedlund has been involved in a collaboration between SU and UCL in London and now she tells us more about herself.

Wilma Svedlund

"It feels more personal here, unlike in Uppsala where there were many students from all over Sweden. In Stockholm, you also get to experience city life - which I, coming from little Avesta in Dalarna, think is fun. I also like that you don't get "left out" of the group of friends if you don't take part in activities outside your studies, which was the case in Uppsala."


What is your vision for being an ambassador for Physics' social media?

"I want to get more people from other cities in Sweden to discover Stockholm University and especially Fysikum. I have many great teachers here and there are many different study spaces in our facilities depending on what you feel like - cosy and modern, discreet and open."


More information

Bachelor's Programme in Physics at Fysikum, Stockholm University