Single-Shot Measurements of Phonon Number States Using the Autler-Townes Effect

Efficient and reliable detection of motional states is an essential component of many ion-trap experiments. In this recent work a new technique for measuring both Fock and thermal states, based on the Autler-Townes splitting, is demonstrated. The experimental work has been carried out in the group of Markus Hennrich at Fysikum, and was performed in collaboration with the groups of Celso Villas-Boas and Romain Bachelard in São Carlos, Brazil.


This effect arises in a three-level system in which a weakly-probed transition is split by a strong coupling field to the third level. The technique can be used to provide either single-shot detection or non-demolition measurements of motional Fock states. Although we make use of a single trapped ion, our scheme can also be applied to any similar three-level system with coupling to a single quantum harmonic oscillator.


More information

Single-Shot Measurements of Phonon Number States Using the Autler-Townes Effect, Physical Review Letters

Research group Trapped Ion Quantum Technologies, Fysikum