The new research pages on the Fysikum website are published

The web project "Webb2021" has involved the whole of Stockholm University. Fysikum's education pages were first completed in 2021 and in January 2022 the About the Department pages were launched. In December 2022, our new research pages were published, containing all subject areas, research groups, projects and more.

Nya forskningssidorna på Fysikums webbplats. New research pages on the Fysikum web.
Nya forskningssidorna på Fysikums webbplats. New research pages on the Fysikum web.

Web work in constant change

A website is constantly changing and some work remains to be done before everything under the Research pages is ready.

If you see something that needs to be corrected or added, please contact

Every year new projects are created and so are new project pages.

Early next year, our researchers will have the opportunity to work on their existing pages themselves.


Physics web organisation

Our web organisation consists of Gunilla Häggström, who is Fysikum's communicator and main editor for the Swedish and English websites.
Filippa Koskelainen is the acting student advisor for Fysikum and co-editor of the Education pages.

Emely Lindblom Kjellsson is a senior lecturer in Medical Hospital Physics and co-editor of the Research pages.

Ronni Barouta is a systems engineer and co-editor of About the Department and provides support for all parts of the website.

Alexandra Lundholm is the study administrator for the Basic Year and co-editor of these pages.


More information

Fyskum's web organisation