Wilma and David on a return visit to UCL

Previously we have written about the student project between Stockholm University and University College London, UCL, where we have been measuring air quality with Raspberry Pi's (a small Linux computer.) Now we returned to London for a handover of the project to their students.

Wilma Svedlund and David Stuhrman on a visit to UCL
Wilma Svedlund and David Stuhrman on a visit to UCL

Previously, Wilma and David have written about the student project between Stockholm University and University College London, UCL, where we measure air quality with Raspberry Pi's. See more info below.

"We visited new students in London who took over our project. Unlike the two of us, they were a larger group of students who have the opportunity to share and develop the project more, which we think is better. In the meeting with the students from UCL, we told them about our experiences and answered their questions to get them started with the project."

Wilma and David were then given a tour of UCL's beautiful campus in the centre of London.

"They had incredibly large student labs with very modern equipment. We also visited an optics lab where a postdoc talked about the research. UCL had many lovely old buildings with something fun around every corner. On top of that, we also had time to visit Big Ben, Millennium Bridge and Buckingham Palace before heading back to Sweden.
We would like to thank SU and Fysikum for the trip to London and for letting us be part of the student project. We also recommend that you who read this apply for similar projects, you won't regret it!"

/Wilma and David


More information

Student collaboration between SU and UCL