
The Atomic Physics division is pursuing experimental research in atomic collision physics dealing with interactions of positively and negatively charged atomic ions, molecular ions such as fullerenes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), biomolecules, and clusters. The experiments are performed at the DESIREE facility at Stockholm University, at Aarhus University in Denmark, and at the ARIBE (CIMAP) facility in Caen, France.

The main experimental activity is centered on the new DESIREE facility. DESIREE stands for Double ElectroStatic Ion Ring ExpEriment, which as the name suggests consists of two storage rings with a common merging section for studies of ion-ion collisions down to the 10 meV energy range.

Experiments at the DESIREE facility include studies of fundamental inherent properties of small and complex ions and their reactions, measurements of reaction rate coefficients and cross sections for applications in astrophysics, atmospheric sciences and bio-molecular physics including radiation damage.

The whole ring complex is cooled by cryogenerators down to the 10 Kelvin range, which allows for long time storage and laser interaction experiments with internally cold ions. Furthermore, we use a standalone beam line for studies of collision and laser induced dissociation of cold molecular ions.  We do also develop models and perform computations of a wide range of atomic and molecular processes to guide the interpretations of the experimental results (more information can be found on the Gas phase molecular dynamics page and on the page on Quantum molecular dynamic.

Since January 2018, the DESIREE facility is operated as a national infrasrtucture by a consortium of Stockholm University and Malmö University supported by the Swedish Research Council. More detailed information on DESIREE research can be fond by this link to the infrastructure homepage More detailed informaion on the DESIREE research can also be found by following the links to the profile pages of the individual researchers and in the list of publications.

Desirée experiment


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