The political science student council (SVÄR) is formed by students enrolled at the Department of Political Science.

Our work consists of looking after the interests and issues that are important to us, and thereby influencing the Department. Our main task is to keep an eye on the education offered and make sure that it is on a high standard. But we are also working with labour market events, equality issues, student pub nights, etc.

All students enrolled at the Department are members of the student council. However, it is the students who take an active part in the council who decide what to focus on. If you are interested in influencing your education, improving the connection to the labour market and the working life, working for an integrated gender perspective, organising stimulating pub nights and seminars, meeting new and interesting people, as well as obtaining a fine merit for the future – become an active member of the student council!

You will find more information about our current work and our next meeting by visiting SVÄR's Facebook page.

SVÄR on Facebook

On this page