Application guidelines

In order to apply for a PhD position at our department you have to register an account in the recruitment system. Below follows a description of the parts you need to include in your application.

Application is done via the University’s recruitment system and vacant PhD student positions are announced at least one month before the application deadline.

Below follows a description of the parts you need to include in your application.

Application round spring 2025

We are announcing three project positions as doctoral student at the Department of Psychology. Last day of application is 2025-04-01.

Open PhD student positions at SU (Find a position and apply here.)

Back to Doctoral studies

If it is a project position, and we advertise more than one, you need to specify which one you are applying for.

In the system you need to enter your highest degree, other degrees, current employment, language skills, references and other requested information.

When specifying your degrees, please also include information about the field of study, year, month, and place awarded.

Motivate your application and summarise your qualifications. Preferably no more than one page, 4000 characters.

Your application letter should also contain information on

  1. the planned pace of study,
  2. the planned duration of the studies, and
  3. the planned date for the public defence of the doctoral thesis.

The pace of study is normally 100% (4 years of study for a PhD degree), but may not be lower than 50% (8 years of half-time studies for a PhD degree). The doctoral programme usually covers four years (full-time), but if you are credited with previous studies it shortens your education. For those who have a 2-year Master's degree, up to one year from the master's programme can be credited in the PhD programme. If credited with a whole year, the PhD programme thus becomes one year shorter.

Specify in your CV:

  • Degrees and completed courses and programmes;
  • Employment history;
  • Any leave of absence, including parental leave;
  • Any other experience of relevance.

Preferably no more than 2 pages, 8000 characters.

The Research Plan should be a maximum of 8 pages, including references, and written in Times New Roman font, size 12 with single spacing.

In an attachment, the applicant should outline the coming years of research for the applicant’s dissertation. This outline is not binding; the plan can and should be revised during the supervising and research process. The outline should be realistic in all aspects, with exception of the financial plan.

The Research Plan should at least consist of the following:

a. Purpose and Hypothesis

In this section the application committee should have a proper understanding of the applicant’s thought process concerning the dissertation. This includes the general thesis for the dissertation in its entirety, as well as the theses for the individual experiments/articles within the dissertation.

b. Background

This section should describe the theoretical framework within which the applicant is planning the dissertation. This includes earlier research and experience or knowledge the applicant has within the field. In the Background, the applicant should describe in detail the hypotheses of the dissertation, so that the thought process behind the dissertation is clear.

c. Method

This section is a description of the design of the individual experiments/articles that are planned with the dissertation in its entirety. This should include the following:

  • Choice, measuring, and operationalization of variables
  • Choice of population and sample of the experiments
  • Potential errors and how to adjust for these, if possible
  • Recruitment of participants
  • Method and Data analysis
  • Time table of the individual experiments and the dissertation in its entirety.

Attach certificates confirming that you meet the general and specific entry requirements. Include a list of appendices. No more than 6 files.

In certain cases where the diploma has not yet been received, but the course work has been completed, certification of completion must be attached.

Only one written composition (e.g., thesis or article) will be evaluated by the reviewers. The written work that you want evaluated should be uploaded here. If a composition is included on which the applicant is not the sole author, the applicant should specify his/her own role as well as the role of co-authors for this composition. The applicant is also to motivate why this particular composition has been selected. Moreover, a letter (or separate letters for each co-author) describing the role of the applicant for that composition is to be signed by the co-authors and appended to the application.

List, but do not enclose to the application, all published and unpublished research reports, papers, degree projects, PM:s etc. Here you list written material to which can be referred as qualification and merit for acceptance into the Ph.D. program. Such material includes, but is not restricted to, published articles, undergraduate/graduate theses, and research reports; acceptance into the program is in large part based upon this material.

List your previous work experience, services, and employment that is seen as appropriate qualifications for acceptance into the program.

When, what kind of work, for how long, where, with whom.

Here you can attach any additional files to the application, for example, certificates, letters from co-authors if you attached an article where you are not the sole author etc.

Enter other comments or information which you feel is relevant for your application

You may include other comments, information, and merits that can be relevant for the application; for example, honor awards, honor recognition, and outstanding grades. If any of the above have been awarded from a Department outside the Department of Psychology, SU, then the applicant must attach a certified copy of the transcript.


Frequently asked questions regarding the application process

1. Why should I write a project plan for a project that already exists?

We regard the project plan as a work sample of your ability to think and write scientifically about a topic. As long as you stay within the subject area of the project, you are free to design your plan however you want. It is the scientific quality of your plan that matters, and it does not matter if it deviates significantly from the original plan. If you get the position, you will probably mainly work according to the researcher's plan, but there is usually room for your own ideas, especially towards the end of the PhD period.

2. Can I get more information about the project apart from the title and summary given in the advertisement?

Please contact the project leader for more information. It is up to them how much information about the project they wish to disclose. And note that the research plan is a test of your ability to think and write scientifically about a topic, see also the answer to the previous question.


Files to download

Criteria for evaluation of applicants (366 Kb)



Student Office - PhD level
Head of PhD Studies

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